I have received several emails about the ERIN net. Here is the history.
This net was started in October 2018, post the first
NC Scout's ADV RTO Class. The original plan was to meet monthly for folks to give a report on their AO. For folks that did not have a FCC license, to listen to hear what their friends were doing. January 2019, the net became the, Eastern, Region, Information, Network (ERIN).
The monthly meeting's continued till February 2020, the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. At which time we went from a monthly net to a weekly net. Once the 'shut-down' started on March 13, 2020, the ERIN net went to five-days a week, Monday thru Friday. During that period the focus was mostly on the pandemic. In June of the same year the ERIN net went back to one day a week, Tuesday nights. While the pandemic reports continued to be prominent, reports morphed into, Covid-19 reports, fuel prices, food/supply shortages, military movements, weather reports, etcetera.
Due to a desire of the regular ERIN net attendees to try digital mode, ERIN started to play with a digital net in September 2020 and officialy became part of the monthly SOI, January 2021. With some fiddling with times and not wanting to interfere with other nets, digital now starts at 1900 hrs. eastern and phone starts at 2000 hrs. eastern.
Typically, I (Johnymac) play (s) the roll of Net Control Station (NCS). With that written, I would like to have some of the regular participants for either net (Phone or Digital) step up to take the roll of NCS at least once a month. Playing NCS has some advantages for that station,
1) Experience,
2) Confidence,
3) Being seen as a leader within the prepping community, and
4) What happens if I am hit by a bus?
Last, available for regular participants, there is a SOI available for when (not if) the interwize goes down.
Hopefully, this short bio of the ERIN net will answer questions that you may have had and encourage you to join the voices of the prepping community.