Author Topic: FCC Advisory Committee on Diversity and Digital Empowerment - February 2021  (Read 737 times)

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FCC Advisory Committee on Diversity and Digital Empowerment - February 2021

I was copied on this announcement earlier today concerning the FCC (Federal Communications Commission).

As detailed in the agenda1, the meeting will feature a report from each of the ACDDE's working groups. The ACDDE’s three working groups are: (1) Access to Capital Working Group, which examines ways to improve access to capital in order to encourage management and ownership of broadcast properties by a diverse range of voices, including minorities and women; (2) Digital Empowerment and Inclusion Working Group, which assesses access, adoption, and use of broadband and new technologies by under-resourced communities; and (3) Diversity in the Tech Sector Working Group, which examines issues pertaining to hiring, promotion, and retention of women and minorities in tech industries. The ACDDE meeting will be convened in an online format and will be available to the public via live feed from the FCC’s web page at

I think the above summary of the meeting on Thursday February 11, 2021, speaks to how crazy this county is becoming. Remember, elections have consequences.

Time to reread Unintended Consequences by John Ross. I suspect the answer to dealing with this countries challenges lays there.

1 = Go to this site and open word.doc or pdf for the agenda

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