Author Topic: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC  (Read 5478 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« on: October 18, 2023, 10:36:59 AM »
I speak off-line with quite a few NCS (Net Control Stations) all the time. There biggest complaint is check-ins that do not pass traffic (TFC). They just check-in and copy other peoples TFC. What will happen when (not if) the interwize or grid goes down? Is that the time to learn how to pass TFC? Is it fair to the other stations that take the time to prep and pass TFC?

I would like your input as to what I and other NCS folks can do to encourage the passing of TFC from all check-ins.

Thanks for your comments.

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2023, 01:17:57 PM »
I speak off-line with quite a few NCS (Net Control Stations) all the time. There biggest complaint is check-ins that do not pass traffic (TFC). They just check-in and copy other peoples TFC. What will happen when (not if) the interwize or grid goes down? Is that the time to learn how to pass TFC? Is it fair to the other stations that take the time to prep and pass TFC?

I would like your input as to what I and other NCS folks can do to encourage the passing of TFC from all check-ins.

Thanks for your comments.

Speaking only for myself, I can give you some feedback. I have held a general class license for about 20 years now. I used to regularly participate in the local 2 meter nets for years. After a while they got routine and boring. Some NCS?s were more entertaining than others and tried to make them interesting, but most just took check-ins and closed the net. Not much traffic got passed via radio. At the same time these same people checking in on the radio nets were also quite active on the local email and text groups. If a radio event was planned, all the detailed information is passed via email, not over the net other than a statement that the event was happening. That should provide you with a clue.

When I started participating in HF nets, it was simply a repeat of the 2-meter nets, both voice and digital. Some were more fun than others, but most nets were simply taking check-ins. They acted like they did not want to be bothered with traffic. I got chastised a time or two by a rude NCS for checking in to a net out of order (I did not know that they went by states, or used a list, etc.) or for trying to pass traffic to another station during a net. (I had actually asked NCS if I could contact another station to schedule a chat after the net concluded.) It is my opinion that it is up to the NCS to set the tone and request traffic to encourage this usage. Maybe you could conduct a net specifically to pass traffic as opposed to one just to take check-ins?

The way things are run now, field day is a joke when it comes to passing traffic. It is run like a contest where people are looking for a high number of contacts, not a successful conversation or receipt of specific information or a form. Since I am not into contests, I quit participating in field days on the radio although I do sometimes stop by to help set antennas up, etc. Perhaps many of the participating stations simply don?t have anything to say?

I feel your pain. I have heard some of the local NCS ask the same question. My opinion is it will take consistent work to make the nets welcoming and interesting. One local NCS started asking stations to voluntarily submit specified information each week, like local weather reports, new radios, traffic, etc. just to get people involved. He did this in a positive way on both voice and digital nets. It worked for a while, but this slowed over time.

AmRRON seems to have a good approach to handling traffic. I don?t know if that would apply to what you are asking, but it is worth the time to see what they are doing.

I seem to be rambling here. I don?t think I actually answered the question you asked, but maybe this will help. I hope you find a good solution.

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2023, 03:28:34 PM »
I agree, spending the the time to get to know how to do it is before you need it is imperative.

I'm not sure if people are worried that:
1. They'll do something wrong or
2. They think that their tfc is irrelevant

AmRRON has the same issue. 20% of the people (mostly the NCS crews) do 90% of the work.

For AmRRON operational nets, there are no "checkins", its stations baring tfc only. A few of us have reprioritized our NCS macros to take and pass tfc first, then take regular checkins. The last ad-hoc net I ran, it was stations w/ tfc only (SITREP or STATREP forms).

I suggest those that take to the forum and participate in nets to send a brief SITREP. Its a straightforward form. Worst case you fill out the fields then add NSTR (nothing significant to report) in the comments area.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2023, 02:22:13 AM »
Here is something to think about. I check in to the ERIN net just about every week. Is it boring? Not really, but even if it was, I'd still be happy. As long as it is boring, that means the SHTF has not happened, and I don't have to run around trying to protect myself and friends. The bottom line is..... I hope all the time, effort, and money that I've spent preparing for SHTF was a waste because that means that everything turned out OK. As for NCS's being too strict and formal, I have run across one or two that were a giant pain in the ass and I just moved on because they were just wanting to be the all powerful big shot. With the ERIN group, I've found that they keep it light while still being serious. We all have our own idea about how to properly prep and no two preppers are going to agree100%. When more than 80% agree, you know you are doing it right.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2023, 08:49:22 AM »
OBH, do you have a link to AmRRON's new SitRep form? I know there is a newer, simpler form.

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Offline Obh

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2023, 02:49:34 PM »
OBH, do you have a link to AmRRON's new SitRep form? I know there is a newer, simpler form.


Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2023, 05:39:54 PM »
Speaking of which, how about , since we are not AmRRON, how about we keep it SIMPLE and use some of the default forms on FLdigi, instead of trying to keep up with any changes implemented by AmRRON? The 213 form is probably the most commonly used form in Emcomm groups, and come by default, loaded into the FLmsg program which is why I use it.

And yes, I know that many on this forum are AmRRON, got it, but default forms , already loaded onto FLmsg keep it simple.

73 de Sir John Honeybucket

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2023, 10:24:01 AM »
Thank you sir John.  :thumbsUp:

For the ERIN net, I don't give a rats ass what form one uses to pass TFC. I just want people who participate, to practice sending TFC.  ;)

With that written, the 213 works for me.  :D
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Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2023, 02:31:37 PM »
Well, I for one DO give a rat's ass and here it is. 

« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 02:40:38 PM by Sir John Honeybucket »
Prepper or Survivalist ?

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2023, 10:48:02 AM »
 :lmfao: :cheers:
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Digital ERIN Net - Why Do Check-ins Not Pass TFC
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2023, 01:40:30 PM »
My position on TRAFFIC is that TRAFFIC is formal information or is information that needs to be relayed to someone else or group. COMMENTS to me, is what we do when we give UPDATES on the status of things like Covid, Inflation,  Petrol prices, Social unrest, Shortages, and Military movements. The ARRL even has a special form to use for passing traffic. I've been a Ham since 1973 and have never used that formal crap. So, I guess I don't give a Rats Ass either.