Author Topic: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI  (Read 2057 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« on: December 02, 2021, 10:33:59 AM »
On this past ERIN net there was some discussion of changing days/time and/or frequencies for the digital and phone net. The reason was that we butt up against AmRRON's digital net. I checked when AmRRON holds their nets and I could not see where they have a digital net nationally, regionally, or Sub-regionally on Tuesday anywhere. If you have further information to share, please add to this post. Thank you.

Here is the SOI for this coming Tuesday's net.

The next ERIN net will be Tuesday 28, December, 2021, starting at 1900 hrs. eastern with the digital ERIN net. The PACE for that net is as follows,

1) At 1900 hrs. eastern the digital net will commence.

Primary         3.588 Mhz USB Contestia 4/250 1000 on the Waterfall
Alternate       7.110 Mhz USB Contestia 4/250 1000 on the Waterfall
Contingency  This email thread
Emergency    Text. Do I have your cell phone number?

When the Net Control Station (NCS) calls for check-in's this is the reporting format,

de your call/name/location/emergency traffic/ de your call

Once the NCS has gathered check-in's he/she will post the check-in's for corrections or additional check-in's.

The NCS will then start the reports portion of the digital net. Report format will be,

de your call/name/location/traffic if any/your report for around your AO, Covid, unrest, military movement, etc/weather/de your call

2) At 2000 hrs the voice net will commence.

Primary         3.969 Mhz LSB or higher till clear air
Alternate       7.251 Mhz LSB or higher till clean air
Contingency  This email thread
Emergency    Text. Do I have your cell phone number?

The above SOI will be used at first, if the interwiz is taken down through Executive Order -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions. Then we will develop and share a revised SOI.

73 & God Bless,
« Last Edit: December 22, 2021, 11:12:08 AM by JohnyMac »
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2021, 07:46:06 PM »
I monitored the digital net but it was hit and miss. It started off pretty strong and clean but faded into the noise and then odd characters started showing up. I'm tuned up for the Phone net.

Online Jackalope

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2021, 08:04:12 PM »
I'm not hearing anyone of the phone net.  I tried three different antennas...nada so far.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2021, 08:20:12 PM »
I listened at 3.969 from 7:55 to 8:17 and got nothing. I tuned up and down the band and heard a couple of conversations but nothing that sounded like the net. Maybe next week will be better.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2021, 08:38:20 PM »
Hey PKv, we had a total of 4-folks. One from MS, two from NC, and i from PA. The band started out great (1945 hrs) then shit the bed (Amateur radio professional term). I hate propagation when it works against us. I love it when it works for us.

Digital, we had seven folks. Nothing really new other than more Helo traffic. No specifics to military or just in general. Same at my AO and at night now too. A couple flights have been so low, I went out to see what it was about and on clear nights I could see shadows as they pass over but dark.

Tires are becoming hard to find in all sizes was reported. Same thing happened to me. I needed new snow tires and I only had 2-choices and they were $$$$. I said OK and told the local gas station I would be in the following month to have them put on when my car was inspected. I dropped by at the end of November to make arrangements and the owner told me he ordered them when I gave the nod and had them in storage for me when i was ready. WOW!

He also shared with me, that it was good he bought them when he did as they are non existent any more.

The rest of the reports there was little change from last weeks reports other than the normal things. Some items were hit or miss and prices were climbing NOT leveling off.

Gas was steady however, I was down in the Philly area yesterday and today. Petrol was up depending on where you went from $3.67 to $3.83 a gallon. Diesel was around $4.08 a gallon for cars not trucks. I saw a sign up that for cash, it was $3.99 a gallon.

SE PA is never known for pleasant people however, folks are a bit nastier than normal. It could just be the day or folks are stressing. I noticed A LOT more people wearing face diapers than normal. I also received a lot more stares from folks with a face diaper on since I was not wearing one. I went into the US Post office without one (As usual) and people just glared at me. LOL. Around my AO, the only folks wearing masks are a few employees in the CVS, state liqueur stores, and the local hospital. Even the folks in the Post Office employees are not wearing them.

So there you go.

73 & God Bless
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2021, 04:08:40 AM »
Thanks for the update. Hmmmm...... Not one helo since I mentioned it on this forum. I've been watching the aircraft site and I checked out most of the helos that showed up. Some showed up as military, others showed up as Local Police, still others showed up as Banks. Hmmm... I wonder why Banks would fly from one small town to another small town? Some showed up as private LLC Companies with sketchy names, a couple showed up as Private owners, and a bunch of Medical helos. I think that a lot of the one's we see are running without their transponders on. Those are probably govenment owned by Men In Black if you get my drift. I even saw a few that came back as security companies. As for transponders, I think they are not required to turn them on if they stay under 5000 feet. Hmmmmm....... All of the one's I tracked stayed under 5000 feet. The wife and I took a road trip today to visit one of our daughters and I'm finding a slight increase in the non-availability of silly things like Creamers for my coffee at the local truck stop. They even put up a sign that supplies are hard to get. What is going on today is just the tip of the iceberg and we all know that 90% of an iceberg is not visible because its under water. Something is about to happen but I just can't nail down when all Hell is going to break loose.

Offline FeedingFreedom

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2021, 11:22:54 AM »
Well of course I was asleep during the net! Heard helos in the area the other morning, going by the sound and rotor speed, they were definitely medical. In our AO, the gas companies tour the wells a lot too, so that accounts for some traffic. Gas prices have dropped 20 cents in a couple places, kerosene and off-road diesel are stable, probably because the volume of sales is much lower. Stores missing some items, although I did find roasting chickens! Mrs. Pete went to Costco, got some really nice sirloin steaks that were actually thick enough, although they were ridiculously expensive.
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Online Jackalope

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2021, 06:58:11 PM »
I think that a lot of the one's we see are running without their transponders on. Those are probably govenment owned by Men In Black if you get my drift. I even saw a few that came back as security companies. As for transponders, I think they are not required to turn them on if they stay under 5000 feet. Hmmmmm....... All of the one's I tracked stayed under 5000 feet.

    Transponders are usually associated with radar based air traffic control.  ADS-B or Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast is a totally different animal.  ADS-B is required in class A, B, C, airspace, which translates into it's needed above 18000 feet, and in the vicinity of many airports, from the ground upwards to a determined altitude, which varies.  It's also required in class E airspace, unless the aircraft is less than 2500 above the ground.  Aircraft conducting operations related to homeland security, law enforcement, national defense and intelligence that could be compromised by transmitting real-time aircraft position information are permitted to disable ADS-B transmissions after obtaining proper authorization from the FAA.  The ADS-B signals can disappear at low altitudes because ground based ADS-B receivers lose the signal.  The ADS-B transmits at 978 and 1090 MHz, so they're line-of-sight.  But you're mostly right, if the aircraft is involved in some secret squirrel work, then it may turn off the ADS-B transmitter.  I backchecked a couple helo flights that I've been on, and occasionally the ADS-B signal would not be visible due to terrain.  There's nothing like flying nap-of-the-earth around mountains in a helicopter at high speeds.  My butt still puckers when I think back about some of those flights.  I've got some videos from the front seat of a super Huey, but never while we were doing active maneuvers.

Offline Obh

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2021, 04:10:12 PM »
On this past ERIN net there was some discussion of changing days/time and/or frequencies for the digital and phone net. The reason was that we butt up against AmRRON's digital net. I checked when AmRRON holds their nets and I could not see where they have a digital net nationally, regionally, or Sub-regionally on Tuesday anywhere. If you have further information to share, please add to this post. Thank you.

Here is the SOI for this coming Tuesday's net.

The next ERIN net will be Tuesday 14, December, 2021, starting at 1900 hrs. eastern with the digital ERIN net. The PACE for that net is as follows,

1) At 1900 hrs. eastern the digital net will commence.

Primary         3.588 Mhz USB Contestia 4/250 1000 on the Waterfall
Alternate       7.110 Mhz USB Contestia 4/250 1000 on the Waterfall
Contingency  This email thread
Emergency    Text. Do I have your cell phone number?

When the Net Control Station (NCS) calls for check-in's this is the reporting format,

de your call/name/location/emergency traffic/ de your call

Once the NCS has gathered check-in's he/she will post the check-in's for corrections or additional check-in's.

The NCS will then start the reports portion of the digital net. Report format will be,

de your call/name/location/traffic if any/your report for around your AO, Covid, unrest, military movement, etc/weather/de your call

2) At 2000 hrs the voice net will commence.

Primary         3.969 Mhz LSB or higher till clear air
Alternate       7.251 Mhz LSB or higher till clean air
Contingency  This email thread
Emergency    Text. Do I have your cell phone number?

The above SOI will be used at first, if the interwiz is taken down through Executive Order -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions. Then we will develop and share a revised SOI.

73 & God Bless,

Summarizing if you don't wanna click the link:

East/Central Digital Practice Nets (WEEKLY):
Don?t forget about the Eastern/Central Digital Practice Net each 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening at 0100hrs Zulu on 3.588 MHz, beginning with Contestia 4/250 at 1000 on the waterfall.  Traffic is normally passed using MFSK-32, and consists of the weekly AIB, Supplemental Vericode, and any other ?official? AmRRON traffic for the net.

On the 1st,3rd,5th weeks there will be an alternate digital training nets by a different NCS (based out of Florida), same time and freq, and goals.

Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2021, 05:35:00 PM »
The 80 m digital net freq used by us and by AmRRON is right on top of longstanding WINLINK station, whose choice of operating frequencies is VERY limited, due to the 'automatic' nature on WINLINK (ACDS sub-band). Weof ERIN can easily chose a different freq, but WINLINK stations (the prime public service mode in emergencies ) are by nature unmoving.

During the last hurricane that blasted the Carolinas, AmRRON nets were running basically 24/7 (which is good)  on top of WINLINK stations here in the South (which is bad) and it was a mess. 

I'd prefer we not be on top of these known and unmoving WINLINK frequencies and especially when they are carrying health and welfare traffic during emergencies?

I routinely hear various nets announcing as AmRRON on the ERIN digital frequencies. It's easier for us to alter our STILL FLEXIBLE SOI than it is for a very large group like AmRRON and/or WINLINK.

That's my tuppence for your thoughts.

Sir John Honeybucket
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 05:38:45 PM by Sir John Honeybucket »
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2021, 06:06:23 PM »
Not for tonight but going forward, suggest a Freq. for Digital and we will start in that freq. next Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021.

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Offline Obh

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2021, 07:39:22 PM »
Good turn out tonight for the digital net. John do you tally numbers? If I counted right was it 9 or 10?

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2021, 08:25:56 PM »
Obh, we had 9 checkins and 8- gave reports on digital.
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2021, 08:41:53 PM »
Well, I copied the Digital Net as usual and then participated in the Phone Net. For some reason, I get a lot of phase shift at 3.969 but it is usually manageable. Tonight, the phone net started out strong but about 15 minutes in the band must have gone LONG because all heard after that was a slow rolling whoosh whoosh whoosh. Any changes that anybody wants to make in the digital or phone frequency is OK for me. :popcorn:

Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2021, 11:51:55 PM »

I did not make the digital net tonight, so thanks for taking traffic in voice: my own report and my relay of Cooter's report which he passed to me via CW a little earlier. Cooter was running 5 Watts Morse into a linked dipole: Morse is amazing and no computer required, despite SSB interference during our sked and also the Cuban government jammers on freq. Pretty good for a QRP rig you can slip ino a shirt pocket.

Sir John Honeybucket
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Offline cooter

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2021, 09:42:52 AM »
A big thank you to Sir John for making time for these skeds and putting up with my mediocre sending skills.  Also, I had some antenna issues and had to rebuild the link dipole.  So it was a relief when his call sign floated out of the ether again.

And what's with those wacky Cubans anyway?


Offline JohnyMac

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2021, 10:39:40 AM »
During this summers friendly protests in Cuba, I was having an almost nightly QSO with a gentleman in Cuba. All of a sudden, those QSO's ended. Bummer.
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Offline cooter

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2021, 08:54:01 AM »
Johny, I hope your Cuban contact just had to shut down his station.  Not something more ominous because he was consorting with a capitalist lackey.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2021, 09:17:46 AM »
Yeah, me too.  :cheers:
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Offline Nemo

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2021, 09:32:29 AM »
During this summers friendly protests in Cuba, I was having an almost nightly QSO with a gentleman in Cuba. All of a sudden, those QSO's ended. Bummer.

Not surprising, govt found him.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2021, 07:44:01 PM »
I will be on freq at about 1950 hrs eastern. Some crazy noise tonight folks.
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2021, 08:30:09 PM »
I got on the air about 8:05 and got Zip, Nada, Nothing, Zero. Sorry folks but all I got was static. At least I didn't have to sit there and listen to the Woosh Whosh Whoosh of Phase shift like I have been getting for the past few nets. Well, maybe next net I'll hear something. I missed out on the Digital Net because I was on the phone talking to an old friend who lives in Framingham, Mass.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2021, 08:32:09 PM »
Great digital net with 10-folks checking in and one transfer. Thx Sir John for relaying Cooters report.

Here are some highlights from the reports this evening in no particular order.

> Gas across the board seems to be dipping 5 to 10 cents across the board since Thxgiving proces.
> Air travel is being affected significantly due to vaxx mandate in the airline industry
> Canned cat food across the board is missing from shelves.
> Covid-19, regardless of all the hysteria coming from the media, seems to be stable.
> Paper and plastic goods supplies are light in grocery stores in NE PA
> Scranton/Wilkes Barre airport received a airplane of illegals. They were bused down to Hazelton,
   PA. Hazelton is a mecca for warehouses like amazon, Costco, Sams, etc
> Lackawanna County PA reinstating face diapers. Nobody is following the county mandate
> NY State National Guard filling in now at local hospitals due to medical personal mandatory vaxx
> In NJ and in SE PA, covid tests are hard to get. Up to 7-days wait time
> Several stations reporting higher prices in their grocery store

Phone report
Only five folks checked in one of which was from Canada. Propagation was awful hence the Net was over by 2015 eastern. Nothing additional to report that was not mentioned in the digital net.

73 & God Bless 
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Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2021, 08:38:25 PM »
Thanjs for the posting here of the report(s).

BTW - that awful noise on the ERIN voice net is a commercial/government Broadcast station from France, using Digital Radio Mondial, a cool, but WIDE way to send digital audio to produce FM quality at the far end. Their amateur band is different from ours.

0100-0057   Radio France International   3965   Daily   French   France   France, Issoudun   1   Non Directional
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: December 2021, ERIN Net SOI
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2021, 09:06:50 PM »
Should we move to a different freq?
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