Good comments in this thread. Some stuff I'd like to add as a lighthearted rebuttal:
1. The 18650 batteries are very easy to change. Remove the floor plate and they're right there.
2. This vs. Chinese QRP rigs:
- The closest rig from China is the Xiegu X-108G. It's slightly larger and pushes out 20w vs the CTX-10's 10. But, that's where the advantages end. There's no internal tuner, no batteries, no solid method of data interface (yes, a miniproSC for the standard Yaesu connector will work along with running FLDigi in Icom 7100's mode will work...sometimes, maybe), but most seriously, it's Chinese. $25 for a Chinese HT that might be great or poop the bed in six months, cool. $400 for a Chinese HF rig that might do the same- no way. Especially not when the company will not stand behind their product.
3. This vs. Other radios with external tuners:
- My largest gripe with the 817 in the field is the points of failure from multiple connections. Having everything streamlined in one box is far better. There's less stuff to get dirty, wet, break, etc.
- By the time you buy a new 817 (or 818...with a whopping 6w of power!) and LDG's excellent QRP tuner, you've spent over $800. I don't think it's worth it.
- Power consumption. No need to lug extra batteries.
4. The microphone.
- Totally agree. I pointed it out to the product manager and the President of the company. But, they're engineers. If you've ever dealt with engineers you know exactly what I mean.
5. This vs. the 817 directly:
- At 5w using an external power source, the 817's only real advantage is SSB on 2m and 70cm, which is really cool. Well, that and 6m. And 160...which you'll never use from a QRP radio. But there's not enough radios that have SSB line of sight capability especially today, and that's the only thing keeping the 817 selling. Its popular with SOTA in 2m and I've done a couple activations with it back when I had one. I'm working with CommRadio for a 2m/70cm version in the same body as a CW & data terminal. We'll see how it works out. But honestly, the CTX-10 blows away the 817 in receiver performance and in capability on HF. There's no comparison. And it's simplicity versus the sadistic Yaesu menu system is worth it. For my own loadout I carry it, my endfed antenna for HF, and a handheld.
The first radio I'd buy, as a prepper and if I were starting out, is an Icom 706mkIIG. Very similar to the well known Yaesu 857, it's 100w and a shack in a box, but much simpler to operate, and usually not too terribly expensive on the used market. The Red Cross has a large stockpile of them for their backup national HF disaster relief nets. I wouldn't even consider a QRP rig first. But later on, if I were looking at HF as an option for the small unit, I'd definitely pick up the CTX-10. I've used them all, including Elecraft's KX-2 and 3. The CTX-10 is the best in its class.