I've mentioned in the past that I have more than a dozen Bao Feng Handi-talkies all programmed up with the frequencies that don't require a license. I spotted some 8 watt Bao Feng UV5R's on Amazon for only $27. Damn!!! I jumped on that and ordered 2 of them. I already have about 5 or 6 of their 8 watter's but bought two more anyway. When it comes time to pass out HT's to my neighbors, during an emergency, I would prefer to give them the 5 watter's. If any of you have the same idea about creating a local network of MURS operators, I'd also suggest EXTRA BATTERIES. I'm sure some of you are wondering why all of my HT's are the same model. Well, they do make newer and better models but I'm making certain that every battery pack will be interchangeable with every radio. If an HT craps out on me, I'll scavenge the Battery, Charger, and Antenna. OK, back to the 8 Watters. An 8 watter connected to an outside antenna makes a pretty decent base station for 2 meters and 440. My first 2 meter mobile radio was a 10 watt Yaesu and it worked great as my base radio. Here's a side note: Don't get long winded on a 8 watt handi-talkie because they'll get really hot really quick and then it'll quit working.