Author Topic: AmRRON Update November 2, 2023 - Grid Down Situation Prepare  (Read 1828 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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AmRRON Update November 2, 2023 - Grid Down Situation Prepare
« on: November 04, 2023, 10:11:53 AM »
Whether you are a fan of AmRRON or not or participate in their well run nets, both phone and digital, they serve a valuable service to the prepper amateur radio community.

Due to the the conflict in Gaza they have put out a new bulletin that I feel all prepper hams should read then print. Here is the first paragraph and the link to the rest of the update,

"What if conflict spreads and reaches the US?

At the time of this posting it is Thursday, November 2nd, 2023.  Hamas is warning of some event or activity or event on Friday, November 3rd.  Hezbollah is set to make a "big announcement" on Friday as well, and some analysts are predicting Iranian-backed Hezbollah intends to officially enter the conflict with Israel and declare war.   In Yemen, Houthis have declared war against Israel. Multiple nations are calling on Israel for a ceasefire.  Israel has stated it has no intentions of a ceasefire.  Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, and others are warning Israel of "consequences" against Israel and her allies (U.S. and U.K. being at the top of the list) if Israel continues its military offensive against Hamas."

Not to step on AnRRON's toes, ERIN (Eastern Region Information Network) has put together an updated For When The Interwize Goes Dark SOI for the late fall/winter/early spring. It is a PDF attached to the aforementioned link.

The current Defcon Level Warning System is now set at "3". Click on the link provided to better understand this warning system, however, on a 1-5 scale, a "5" is peace, while a "1" is full on war.

AmRRON has a similar warning system but for communications. The current AmRRON warning system has moved from a "4" to a "3".

What does all this information mean?

If you are a prepper ham, regardless of political party affiliation, I recommend you take 30-minutes or so to click on the provided links, print certain parts of the reports & forms, and continue to monitor the developments both regionally and globally.


As we lead up to the 2024 Presidential election and as the Republican's front runner voter base expands while the Democrat voter base contracts, there is going to be an increase of nastiness within the United States. Probably surpassing the "peaceful protests" from BurnLootMurder Inc. and Antifa during the 2020 presidential campaign season. Add to this goats head soup of sorts, global drama's which could affect us here in the United States.

Stay tuned...

« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 10:14:56 AM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: AmRRON Update November 2, 2023 - Grid Down Situation Prepare
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2023, 10:25:44 AM »
Thanks for posting this, Johny.