I got all the stuff I needed (or so I thought) to get my QYT KT-8900D set up yesterday so today I started setting it up beginning with the power supply. Once I got all the power pole connections finished I went to work on soldering my Coax together. First, flux free plumbing solder will work, but it looks like ass. I am actually embarrassed with how my solder looks. On Active Duty I would have kicked back solder that looked like that. But my connections passed the multimeter check. Second, make sure you get cable reducers for your PL-259 connectors. I forgot and luckily was able to find some from a ham local to me. Lessons learned. I have some UL-175’s on the way along with another KT-8900D to mount in the family car. I also have a mobile antenna and mount for the car coming. I still need to hard mount the power supply, distribution panel, and the radio. I was able to hit two repeaters that are about 15-20 miles in either direction from my house. I am quite happy with the set up and look forward to adding an HF radio to the collection in the future. I also look forward to talking so those of you near me on some repeaters soon. I’ll probably post pictures on my blog about it tomorrow.