Zip: Yes, I do HF with an ICOM 7300 with an LDG auto tuner and try to connect with the Unchained Preppers on Tuesday nights ERIN Net at 8 PM. The wife is also a Ham and we use 2 meter simplex because the wife doesn't like listening to chit chat on the local repeaters. I check into the Petersburg 2 meter repeater ARES net every Wednesday at 8 PM. Antennas are a 2 meter ground plane at 50 feet up, 160 Meter center fed 1/2 wave Dipole at 30 Feet, 80 meter Hamstick at about 30 feet up, 40 Meter Hamstick at 12 feet up ands soon to be raised to about 25 or 30 feet, 10 meter Hamstick at about 40' up, 440 ground plane at 40' up, 220 ground plane at 40' up, 440 cubical quad beam for DMR at about 35' up. The 220 Beam is just mounted about 10 feet up for testing and will be moved to about 30 or 40 feet to replace the 220 Ground plane. I also plan to move the 40 meter Hamstick up to about 30 feet. I keep a Radio bugout backpack with an ICOM 718 with an LDG auto tuner and test equipment ready at all times. One vehicle has a Dual Band 2meter/440 and the others have a Triband 2 meter, 220, 440 in them.