Author Topic: What do you do with the bodies?  (Read 1895 times)

Offline JoJo

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What do you do with the bodies?
« on: April 21, 2016, 04:52:37 PM »
 EMP/CME, WROL Pandemic what ever, people will die or killed looting. Stink and disease won’t be far off. If you live in the cities or suburbs the problem will be enormous.
In a rural area you will more than likely have a backhoe but then where do you bury them. You can’t cremate them because the fire will tell the world where you are.
You could always chain then to a tractor and drag them to a river and dump them in or a mass grave in some city park . But now your using precious survival time.
 This may sound cruel but it is something that must be done. :what:

Give it some thought and respond. We all need ideas on this subject.   
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Offline Kbop

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Re: What do you do with the bodies?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2016, 07:40:24 PM »
if you want to be neat, lime pit or hard wood ashes (deep pit and sprinkle liberally).  if you live near a salt deposit you could mummify them.  pile them into a designated empty house - burn when full.

if you want expedience and still keep the smell and possible disease load down;
ocean/beach dump or find someplace nearby with vultures or coyotes.  Sky Burial anyone?
most eco-systems have similar critters.  New York it might be rats and feral dogs.

stack and inoculate with rid-ex and sour milk to jump-start the process.  Stay well away for at least a few months.

if bodies pile up faster than that will accommodate - endure it?  realize you will never wash that smell out of your hair or clothes?

I think a worse case is if the infrastructure collapses without removing alot of the population.
dead bodies might disappear on their own after a month or two of hunger and fear. :zombie1:

dragging them to a river is like dumping them in the ocean - you might poison your neighbor.  If food is short where do you get the calories, manpower and as you mentioned time to play undertaker?

... i hear there are a bunch of empty wallymarts around - turn them into a shrine for our departed brethren? :zombie:
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 07:54:10 PM by Kbop »

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Re: What do you do with the bodies?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2016, 07:44:56 PM »

get a deep pit and even in the absence of lye if you put enough earth on it and keep them away from your water supply you should be ok.

Burning is also acceptable since it wont be too big an OPSEC issue is many other locations around you are also doing it.
Though this may use up previous gas..
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Re: What do you do with the bodies?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2016, 08:20:22 PM »
I remember trying to start a topic about this subject a few years ago.  It was unpopular and died on the vine.  The only responses it got was something like "bury them." 

I'm glad to see some serious thought about it.  Makes me wonder what has changed in the zeitgeist.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 01:10:47 PM by special-k »
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Re: What do you do with the bodies?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2016, 08:27:00 PM »
Depending on your own food supply, just take them and  .  .  ..

Not a good idea. 

Realistically, haul them a few miles downwind and let nature take its course.

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Re: What do you do with the bodies?
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2016, 02:14:12 AM »
Good topic....

Been thinking on this myself a bit.

Not figured out the best strategy so looking forward to reading the replies.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: What do you do with the bodies?
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2016, 07:32:31 AM »
In Steven King's The Stand the bodies mummified over a period of time if they died in a weather proof structure. Still  though this would be unsanitary for someone occupying the structure in the future.

I thought Kbop's comments were right on. Other than family, which I would bury. I like the "sky burial" method as long as the bodies were down wind of the prevailing winds and NOT near my water source.

At MVT we spoke about this. Our trainer suggested bodies of enemies left around our perimeter (Rural 2-3 miles) makes a great NO TRESPASSING sign (s).

Now if you are in a urban environment that certainly makes disposal a bit more difficult. If this can be done safely (Not burning down the neighborhood) I would think that putting bodies in a house/building and then torching it would make some sense.

Good subject.       
« Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 06:29:44 AM by JohnyMac »
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Re: What do you do with the bodies?
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2016, 06:39:23 PM »
i live 6 miles out of town.the more time i spend away from the house,the less safe i id take them out and just dump them some where for the wildlife.on account i wont risk my life any more then i have to,for someone that posed a threat to begin with.but for family.i'll try to have a grave or 2 dug to begin with.this way i'll spend less time in a unsafe situation then i have to...