fun with numbers -
assume the current numbers of dead in the USofA is 1.5x the reported rate due to undiagnosed cases with involved SARS-2 infection. Because of very restricted testing, this is our starting point.
reason - we know if someone with cardiovascular disease and COPD dies - they aren't tested. CoD is complications due to COPD, namely bilateral pneumonia - even if CoViD-19 was a co-morbidity. Similar story for T1 Diabetics, Chemo/Radiation patients, long term smokers and a few others. Anyone prone to cytokine or immune system abnormalities.
lets multiply that by 100 (assumes average CFR is %1)
so total dead 573 X 1.5 = 859.5 multiplied by 100 is 85,000 cases minimum.
Case rate should double every 5 days for 2+ weeks. if social distancing works we'll have over 700K cases - current, incubating and recovered. if CFR stays stable this is 7K+ dead by mid April and this assumes social distancing actually works.
since i'm an amateur at this but friends with numbers, any other amateur/or otherwise epidemiologists please check my math.
R0 2.5, CFR 1%, droplet and air xmit, fomite duration several hours - current infected population 80K.
if social distancing 'flattens the curve' it won't be until Early May before we see the numbers start to really drop. This assumes Italy got hit much earlier than initially expected and triage is causing their elevated CFR.
Our Friends in Europe are on the same timeline and India, Australia and sub Saharan Africa are a week or two behind us. After we get over this hump - case rates will oscillate like a bell tone for nearly a year. If we get lucky, and a vaccine is deployed it will end in a couple of months.
i hope i'm wrong - but we don't have long to wait to see if the numbers pan out. best case in the USofA is 6k-7K dead. this assumes no triage or critical supply shortages. If we follow Italy just multiply this by 4.