I did not add the 20lb vest, just to be clear. My goal was to do it in under 2 hours. My endurance is my weak link and that is where my focus is now. I can lift fairly heavy but when I string a ton of reps together I get winded.
I did it in 1:52:33:49.
As far as I can tell, my heart was basically in the 140-165 bpm the whole time. The 1 mile run to start was pretty easy. I did it at 5.5mph. Then, I did the routine in 20 sets of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 air squats. To my surprise, my legs were the first to fatigue. The run gave them a workout before my upper body. I lift very heavy on legs, but the high rep count overruled that. I was drinking some amino acids and waxy maize carbs during the workout. My pull up grip was mostly overhand but I did alternate to underhand towards the ends. The pushups were by far the easiest.
There were two guys there who I talk to all the time. They did it yesterday, so they were encouraging me which helped a lot. The last mile run was full of my calves almost cramping, so I took shorter steps at a slower pace of 4.5 mph.
This routine goes to show you that just those three exercises are plenty for most people. Add in some light dumbbells and a weighted ruck and you are good to go. Of course, working in stuff like deadlifts are obviously beneficial, but you have no excuse not to get in shape using only body weight exercises.
I learned that endurance is my focus this summer. It didn't help that I did a fair bit of drinking this weekend, but that is no excuses.