Old JohnyMac is in damn good health even if I have to say so myself. I have some aches and pains common to a 58 year old but for all intents and purposes I am A-OK.
With that said, I haven't been to a dentist since November 2010 - The reason is money. Except for a short seven month stint helping a friend bring his business out of the red to the black and then selling it, there is no money coming in but retirement saving's. We are currently paying cash for MrsMac's dentist visits and he isn't cheap! Because of her diabetes she has to go to a specialist
I have been looking into dental insurance for both of us BUT no insurance company as yet will take MrsMac and me because of MrsMac's teeth issues due to her diabetes. I have a hard time opening my Scottish pocket book to the tune of $100- a month just for me.
So, any suggestions UP friends short of offering up my teeth to a dentist school for practice?