I am at the end of a week long stomach issue drama. In essence I was constipated thanks to my stupidity.
First off, I am not supposed to eat nuts or seeds. Somehow they get lodged in my lower intestines which causes a painful period of constipation. Well MrsMac had purchased a can of salted peanuts for a Vietnamese dish she was making. One night in a moment of weakness I indulged and VIOLA - Two days later I was doubling over in pain.
Recognizing my symptoms, I went to the meds locker to get some laxative and there was none.
Plenty of anti-diarrhea medicine but no laxatives.
Well off to the store I went, ~30 minutes away, to buy a bottle of "Milk of Magnesia".
Six days post my first symptoms, I am pain free & regular.
My point of this subject is to remind everyone to add laxative and constipation remedies to their medical preps.
I have no idea why we missed this one.