Author Topic: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods  (Read 7590 times)

Offline RB in GA

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Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« on: July 03, 2022, 04:18:12 PM »
Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods

My note: All of these studies have very small test groups and therefore should be taken with a grain of salt for accuracy.

Over 80 million Americans have insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes.  And you could be on the road to diabetes for 10 years or more and never even know it.  Here?s what happens.

The hormone insulin directs your cells to open up and take in glucose from the blood.  With insulin resistance, your cells become desensitized to insulin.  They ignore the instructions to open up and take in glucose.  Your body keeps producing more insulin to try to get the message heard.  But it doesn?t work.  And your insulin levels rise higher and higher.

Those chronically high insulin levels cause rapid weight gain, premature aging, high blood pressure, heart disease, and higher cancer risks.  Eventually they lead to type 2 diabetes.

Herbs, spices and foods are your first line of defense.  Here are eight that can help restore and maintain your cells? sensitivity to insulin.

1. Turmeric: 100% Effective In Preventing Diabetes
A 2009 study found curcumin, an active compound found in turmeric, was 500 to 100,000 times more effective than the prescription drug Metformin at activating glucose uptake.

In another study of 240 pre-diabetic adults, patients were given either 250 milligrams of curcumin or a placebo every day.  After nine months, NONE of those taking curcumin developed diabetes but 16.4% of the placebo group did. In other words, the curcumin was 100% effective at preventing Type 2 diabetes.

2. Ginger: Lowers Fasting Blood Glucose by 10.5%
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 88 diabetics were divided into two groups. Every day one group received a placebo while the other received 3 one-gram capsules of ginger powder.  After eight weeks, the ginger group reduced their fasting blood sugar by 10.5%.  But the placebo group increased their fasting blood sugar by 21%.  In addition, insulin sensitivity increased significantly more in the ginger group.

In another study, researchers proved that 1600 mg per day of ginger improves eight markers of diabetes including insulin sensitivity.

Many other studies prove the value of ginger for diabetes. For a complete list of studies visit Green Med Info?s page on Ginger Health Benefits.

3. Cinnamon: Less Than Half a Teaspoon A Day Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices and most popular spices.  It?s been used for millennia both for its flavoring and medicinal qualities.

Cinnamon has been shown to normalize blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics by improving the ability to respond to insulin.  A meta-analysis of eight clinical studies shows that cinnamon or cinnamon extracts lower fasting blood glucose levels.

Cinnamon works in part by slowing the rate at which the stomach empties after eating.  In one study subjects ate about a cup of rice pudding with and without about a teaspoon of cinnamon. Adding the cinnamon slowed the rate the stomach emptied from 37% to 34.5% and significantly slowed the rise in blood sugar levels. Even less than a half of a teaspoon a day reduces blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics.

Recipe Idea: Cinnamon Apple Smoothie

4. Olive Leaf Extract: Results Comparable to Metformin
University of Auckland researchers proved that olive leaf extract decreases insulin sensitivity.

In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study, 46 overweight men were divided into two groups. One group received capsules containing olive leaf extract and the other group received a placebo. After 12 weeks, olive leaf extract lowered insulin resistance by an average of 15%.  It also increased the productivity of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas by 28%.

The researchers noted that supplementing with olive leaf extract gave results ?comparable to common diabetic therapeutics (particularly metformin).?

5. Berries Lower After-Meal Insulin Spike
Studies show the body needs less insulin for sugar balance after a meal if berries are also eaten.  In a study of healthy women in Finland, subjects were asked to eat white and rye bread with or without a selection of different pureed berries.  Starch in the bread alone spikes after-meal glucose levels.  But the researchers found that adding berries to the bread significantly reduced the after-meal insulin spike.

Strawberries, bilberries, lingonberries, and chokeberries were effective.  So was a mixture consisting of strawberries, bilberries, cranberries, and blackberries.

6. Black Seed (Nigella Sativa): Just 2 Grams Reduces Insulin Resistance
In a study of 94 diabetic patients, researchers prescribed either 1, 2 or 3 grams a day of Nigella sativa capsules.   They found that at the dose of 2 grams per day, black seed significantly reduced fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance.  The higher dose of 3 grams per day did not result in additional benefits.

Black seed has been treasured for thousands of years for its healing properties.  It is sometimes referred to as Roman coriander, black sesame, black cumin, and black caraway.  It?s been called the remedy for everything but death.

7.  Spirulina Increases Insulin Sensitivity by 225%
In a randomized study of insulin-resistant patients, researchers compared the power of spirulina and soy to control insulin levels.  They assigned 17 patients to receive 19 grams of spirulina a day.  The other 16 patients received 19 grams of soy.  After eight weeks the spirulina group on average increased their insulin sensitivity by 224.7% while the soy group increased their insulin sensitivity by 60%.

In addition, 100% of the spirulina group improved their insulin sensitivity while only 69% of the soy group improved.

8. Berberine Just As Good as Three Different Diabetes Drugs
Berberine is a bitter compound found in the roots of several plants including goldenseal, barberry, and Oregon grape.  Studies prove it?s just as good as prescription diabetes drugs.

Chinese researchers compared berberine to metformin in a pilot study of 36 patients.  They found berberine lowered blood sugar levels just as well as metformin in just three months. The patients also significantly decreased their fasting blood glucose, and their after-meal blood glucose.

In the same study, researchers gave berberine to 48 diabetics for three months. After only one week, berberine lowered both fasting and post-meal blood glucose levels.  In addition, their insulin resistance dropped 45%.

Other researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 14 studies involving 1,068 participants.  They found berberine performed just as well as metformin, glipizide and rosiglitazone.  Those are three of the top diabetes drugs on the market. And berberine has no serious side effects.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2022, 09:08:26 AM »
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Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2022, 12:23:50 PM »
( I am not giving medical advice, but I WILL mention what I did to eliminate my former malady of  T2 diabetes and obesity. )

Diet is absolutely central to causing diabetes.  I was well over 360 pounds and a type two diabetic.   On the advice of a friend, I looked into 'keto' and began by removing all sugar & all grain out of my diet and by reading lables, strictly ate less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. Within two weeks I was many pounds down, morning fasting blood sugar readings went from themid-200's ( solidly diabetic) to 100's or less (healthy) . By six months I had taken-off 130 pounds and my HbA1C was 5.1 (very healthy - definately not diabetic).  So, call it 'cured' or call it 'being in remission, but I am no longer a diabetic and no longer on my 6 daily meds.  The government Food Pyramid is lethal, with it's constant eating of high carbohydrates which cause nearly constant insulin release from the pancreas until the body no longer responds to normal insulin levels and the pancreas , in trying to keep-up with it's storing sugar/carbs as fat, basically damages itself.  BTW - high insulin levels themselves (hyperinsulinemia) causes damage, usually vascular.  We eat Meat, eggs, cheese, occasional above ground green veg ... beef, fish, chicken and when in doubt bacon and eggs.  I've done this for 2  1/2 years. and went from 360++ pounds "morbidly obese to 232 and excellent blood work 'labs'.

Sources for YouTube and book follow-up:  Dr. Jason Fung  and Dr. Ken Berry.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2022, 04:27:30 PM by Sir John Honeybucket »
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2022, 10:20:46 AM »
I have done a bit of research on this topic too. What Sir John writes about, there are many studies supporting his position.

I have too started to minimize my carbohydrate intake back in April of this year. I had the Chinese Virus last August and my A1C went from a 6.3-ish to 8.5 post the crud. I hovered in the '8's' till I decided to take the bull by the horns in April and see if I could help my D2 through diet.

I started to eat half of what the USDA recommends for carbohydrates for a man of my age and physical size three months ago. I just had A1C blood work done and I had dropped to 7.0 and I had lost 6-lbs in just three months. I will continue to minimize my digestion of carbs going forward. My next A1C is scheduled for December of this year.

Now on the other hand, MrsMac is a D1 and has been since she was 13-years old. She is insulin dependent (pump) and unlike a "normal" person, she needs carbs or her blood sugar drops below 100 which we all know is bad.

What I typically do is read the USDA chart on a package or use The Calorie King: Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate guide to figure out what one serving is for carbs for a 200-lb man. I then give MrsMac 3/4 of the cooked carbohydrate portion and I put 1/4 on my plate. By the way, I do not miss it.

I have also changed a few other things to minimize my carbohydrates. One is what I drink throughout the day. I use to drink 50/50 ice tea to lemonade. Now I drink 25/75 lemonade to cold tea. I still have a beer once in awhile, typically once a month at my radio club meeting or so as a treat. Instead I drink wine, 2-3 6 oz. glasses a night. Some nights nada. 

There are other changes I have made to minimize carbohydrates intake however, my point is that like Sir John, minimizing carbohydrates can only help if you are a bit overweight and or have to work on reducing your A1C.

Do your own research and act accordingly.
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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2022, 03:03:33 PM »
Ive been watching this guy on youtube, Dr Pradip Jamnada, and he has changed the way I look at food and how I buy food.
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Offline RB in GA

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2022, 04:02:51 PM »
"...Now on the other hand, MrsMac is a D1 and has been since she was 13-years old. She is insulin dependent (pump) and unlike a "normal" person, she needs carbs or her blood sugar drops below 100 which we all know is bad."

Just as a clarification normal glucose level range on a well person's finger stick test is 70-100.

Numbers under 70 are bad.  Very bad, as in can kill you if it's low enough. The brain requires glucose to function. Very low glucose leads to brain starvation and death. Some of the more pronounced symptoms of very low glucose is abnormal confusion/irrational behaviour, slurred speech, tremors, and irritability.
In my experience as a nurse with type 2 diabetics (type 1's, or juvenile diabetics to use the old term, require more precise management), if the glucose was:60-70 the regimen was: drink oj, followed by something like a graham cracker with peanut butter. Then go eat. 
The simple sugar in the OJ gets absorbed fast, but quickly dissipates. The complex carbs in the cracker bridge the gap to sustain a better glucose level and the fats and protein in peanut butter help equalize the system. But it doesn't replace a balanced meal.
Also, things like glucose tablets are good for diabetics to carry at all times, or barring that, a package of good old (hard) sweetarts. 1 glucose tab or 3-4 sweetarts are = to 4oz OJ and absorb almost as fast.
Below 60, you really should seek medical help, as glucose levels can drop quickly when they get this low. Expect to get IV fluids containing glucose/dextrose.
Glucose levels vary widely depending on the foods you eat. Your levels will be highest 1-2 hours after consuming a meal- so don't test yourself then unless instructed to by the doc (some like to see the high readings for comparisons). 4 hours after eating, or first thing in the morning before eating anything, is the best time to test. Diabetics usually test 2-5 times per day.
Glucose greater than 100 technically is an indication of potential diabetes- though most docs I've met just watch this over several visits. If it sustains over time slightly over 100-150, then the patient is usually sent to diabetes education to learn how to modify their diet, the value of exercise etc. They may be started on a very light diabetic med. In excess of 150 sustained, well welcome to the club, your a diabetic. If you're lucky, you'll be medicated via one or more of the many different oral meds out there  (I'm a diabetic (type 2) and have been for 38 years. I'm currently on three (metformin, Januvia and farxiga)). Otherwise you'll be on one form of insulin or another.
Glucose unmanaged is bad. Very high glucose leads to all sorts of problems as your nerve endings get coated with excess glucose that can't be expelled from the body (as I can personally attest to). Some issues include peripheral neuropathy, slowed healing that can lead to amputations, diabetic retinopathy, sexual dysfunction, etc...  If you ignore it long enough and let it get high enough you may end up in a diabetic coma.
One of the very bad things about diabetes is that it is an insidious disease. It is literally damage over time. People who have it mostly feel fine. And it's that that gets them into trouble. They may feel thirsty all the time and pee a lot, or find themselves getting irritable easily, but that is often overlooked.  The body compensates for the higher glucose levels until it no longer can. I've seen people function fine at glucose levels of 300-400, until suddenly they can't and shut down. Then, see above.

Oh, btw, I started on a regimen of ginger/cinnamon/tumeric once a day.  I'm going to try it for 90 days to see how it affects my A1C.  I'll let you guys know how it works out if you're interested.

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2022, 07:13:39 PM »
I would be interested how much you take daily. Thx
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Offline RB in GA

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2022, 07:28:15 PM »
cinnamon 2500mg, turmeric 1500 mg (for some reason the pill has 10 mg black pepper too), ginger 3850 mg. I also take a vegan omega-3 550mg that supposed to help with something... :what: oh yeah, memory loss... 

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2022, 08:42:24 AM »
Pepper makes its taste good.

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2022, 09:21:00 AM »
RB, I am very happy you started this topic. I started taking supplements to ward off covid and other rhinoviruses type of ailments. Since then, knock on wood, neither MrsMac nor I have had a cold or the Chinese Virus. Several folks around us have, but not us.

Do you have a link to the pill (s) you are taking?
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Offline grizz

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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2022, 01:20:41 PM »
cinnamon 2500mg, turmeric 1500 mg (for some reason the pill has 10 mg black pepper too), ginger 3850 mg. I also take a vegan omega-3 550mg that supposed to help with something... :what: oh yeah, memory loss...

I read someplace the pepper activates the turmeric
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Re: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2022, 02:59:05 PM »
Thank you RB!  :thumbsUp:
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