I'm sorry to hear that you and your wife have such a serious health problem to worry about while prepping, JM, but it's good that you're addressing that the best you can.
I read through some of the previous medical/health posts and some good stuff started going around, just a little disjointed. I also read some requests to create and devote a whole new section to all of this, which was denied by mine fuhrer, TG. I'm going to work on him to figure out a way to make all of this great info more accessible and keep people posting these great ideas. TG also mentioned putting a spreadsheet together that could be filled in with plants, there health benefits, and where they grow readily. We could also make one for over the counter items, such as apple cidar vinegar, or arsenic for all the single folk contracting vd. That way, people can pick items that will work to their best advantage to prepare for many ailments with as few different preps as possible.
Here are a couple of things I found that may be useful for JM's wife's juvenile diabetes and revisiting Grudgie's pneumonia concern.
Opuntia species (Prickly-pear cactus) can be used to treat wounds, burns, contusions, warts and recent studies suggest that the juice may be effective in lowering blood sugar in cases of juvenile-onset diabetes, particularly where chronic hyperglycemia prevails.
WebMD- Prickly-pear cactus provides info on why the fruit juice lowers blood sugar and , although this
article suggests that you should not juice your own cactus fruit, you can
click here to see how you would go about it. I would suggest keeping a pair of good tweezers close, in my experience you will need them!
Petasites palmatus (Coltsfoot) can be used as an expectorant and cough suppressant and has been used to treat chest colds, wooping cough, asthma and viral pneumonia. It can also be applied topically for arthritis. Note: Coltsfoot contains a group of
alkaloids that may be harmful if consumed in large quantities.
WebMD- Coltsfoot says that it has a lot of sideffects and drug interactions, so beware!!!