My Wife is a nurse in convalescent/old folks homes. They have 'staffing issues' on the best of days and with the mandates, they are radically understaffed. She is to be dismissed in a few days, because of the Brandon regime's mandates. She was one of the few local frontliners who worked straight through when the 'official word' was that COVID was extremely lethal (not necessarily so, we learned personally) and there was no vaccine at that time. We both caught it, from her exposure at work as she treated too many helpless patients.
First day; sick,
Second day; sore muscles
Third evening: back to normal.
Now that we have healed and achieved the far superior, God given natural immunuty, they insist that she (and me, I reckon) get their 2, 3, & 4... jabs ad infinitum and keep up with their regimine of immuno-surpressants, so that we are entirely dependent uopn the political pharma-fascists for life itself.
OTOH - Our wonderful sister-in-law died this week after her second 'booster' caused "a reaction" and she spent a month in ER Hell, before finally being released from her politically vandalised body. She was also a nurse but a total believer that this was just another vaccination and that to 'believe otherwise was 'a conspiracy theory'. Unfortunately, this 'all is well; idea was not correct, at least in her case; the difference being lethal.
The number one phrase I've routinely heard from reffugees fleeing communist tyrants was:
"We never thought it could happen here."
(their home countries)
Sir John Honeybucket