Author Topic: Covid-19 interesting perspective  (Read 1435 times)


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Covid-19 interesting perspective
« on: July 06, 2020, 05:36:33 AM »
Hi all,

While keeping an eye on how things are playing out. I found myself wondering about the difference in the stats from the different countries.

Of prime interest to me were the differences between the UK and the USA (my home country).

I have noticed the lower case Fatality rates in the US as opposed to here in the UK.

What I noticed while watching reports from some of the hospitals in Texas recently. Is that they are following a different treatment regime for the worst cases than I noticed here. In the reports the Texas hospitals are using Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) to treat the patient. As I understand it this means they are artificially oxygenating the blood outside of the patients body then pumping it back in.

Now I had wondered about this being applicable as I digested reports on what the virus is doing to the body.

Color me impressed. That is innovation in care in action. Here in the UK the use of intubation and ventilator has been at the prime of critical care for Covid patients.

As long as the availability of the equipment remains ahead of the need. This is very promising.  Due to most of my extended family residing in Texas I do worry at the moment due to the large increase in daily infections there.

Hope all here are well and safe. I respect there are differing opinions on the subject of this virus. So won't go into much else on the subject other than a gentle reminder that this is not over yet.

Offline Kbop

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Re: Covid-19 interesting perspective
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2020, 06:42:20 AM »
another innovation that's being tried might work for patients only needing a high O2 concentration and not full entubation.  It also works with CPAP therapy.  they create an entire ward with a high O2 environment in the air.  I guess as long as they are very careful with ignition sources it would work.  saves on labor and masks.

Italy showed that vents don't work very well.

Gadget, I hope you and your's are safe as well.

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Re: Covid-19 interesting perspective
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2020, 10:01:47 AM »
    Returning to the origin of the virus, another researcher has indicated that the Chinese virus was created in a laboratory:

     The researcher makes an excellent point that he virus still hasn't been found in the environment.  If there's no natural reserve for the virus, then it's logical that it was created.  If so, what does the rest of the world do with China?


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Re: Covid-19 interesting perspective
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2020, 11:36:30 AM »
Thanks for the well wishes.

We are in great shape all around here.

Aside from all the different problems that have come up. Watching the medical community work as hard as they have in such a short time. Provides a bit of hope for future outbreaks.

I have also seen some interesting info being provided on origin theories. The indicators towards it being man made have been increasing with study.

I am keeping my eye out for the hard data.

I like to form informed opinion while keeping an open mind.

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Re: Covid-19 interesting perspective
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2020, 11:53:07 AM »
Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.I have read all kinds of things about it being created in Chapel Hill, NC and then research moving to Wuhan China because the US banned its research. Get you tin foil hats on. Bill Gates refuses to allow anyone in his family to be vaccinated but he is the owner of the patent. He also backed much of the US research. Hmmmmmm..... He also is pushing the Agenda 21 thing to reduce the world population. Don't take my word for any of this. Look it up

Offline Erick

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Re: Covid-19 interesting perspective
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2020, 02:07:22 PM »

     The researcher makes an excellent point that he virus still hasn't been found in the environment.  If there's no natural reserve for the virus, then it's logical that it was created.  If so, what does the rest of the world do with China?

There are very very similar viruses in a region approx 500km from Wuhan in China.
Job announcements in the local lab late last year referred to "interesting" and dangerous viruses having been collected in that region and needed help working on them.

At this point I am quite confident it was not created in a lab but simply escaped from a lab likely due to the famous Chinese incompetence.
The Principal investigator is said to have died from that virus.
She was likely patient Zero
Chinese Govt denies it, but cant produce her alive.

That lab is 250 meters (=275 yards) away from the wet market thats been ID'ed as the "source".

I can see easily a semi-literate and dirt poor, lab cleaner taking research animals that were supposed to be destroyed and selling them at that market instead.
So starting the global epidemic.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 02:28:42 PM by Erick »
Every day, men who will follow orders to kill you, exercise. Do you?

Offline Kbop

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Re: Covid-19 interesting perspective
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2020, 03:58:22 PM »
I'm an electrical/electronics guy - so i'm not even a biologically inclined enthusiast.
but logically speaking - gain of function studies on bat virus' at the Wuhan lab - meets the Occam's Razor test.
Our esteemed Dr. Fauchi was involved in those very studies, in a French built bio containment lab in Wuhan. after the SARS&MERS outbreaks - there was a lot of interest in corona-virus studies.

a bat virus tweaked during testing - accidentally leaked - it explains the human ACE receptor and the lack of a natural reservoir and the release at the market  - all an accident caused by sloppy containment - then covered up by the CCP.  it explains why they emptied the lab in October 2019.  then when it was found in the 'wild' Nov 2019 by the Dr. (who later died of the 'Wuhan pneumonia') was told by the CCP to shut up.  It became a topic of discussion Dec 2019 - when it was too big to cover up anymore.

i suspect the CCP wanted to wait long enough to avoid the embarrassment of shooting itself in the foot.  Wait until you have pandemic spread and blame the first country to complain or announce a new disease.  It also explains the odd purchases of PPE by the CCP leading up to the acknowledgment of a new corona-virus.

it just a guess but fits the facts available to me - and the psychology and past history of how the CCP works.


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Re: Covid-19 interesting perspective
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2020, 01:53:50 AM »

Just realised my latest post contained an error in communication. (I do that way to often)

What I meant to post is.

I have been seeing the info about the virus potentially being tweaked in a lab for study as opposed to it being man made with intent.

I lean towards this being a good example of human error as opposed to intentional neferious designs.

As to all the different theories on this being part of or being used by different people with the intent of taking over the world. I still cannot get past the mark on these thoughts.

1. I REALLY have trouble with assigning the amount of competence that ths would require to the different people contained in the theories.
2. Almost ever person that would be part of any of these plans are WAY to selfish. There is no way that they would cooperate with each other to the required levels required.

Cheers everyone.