Hi All,
I was not doing a Doom and Gloom thing by posting this thread.
What caused me post it is based upon a few observations.
1. U.S. Troops that have been sent to help in the fight against Ebola face a common sense quarantine period in the regime of bringing them back. This as far as I know applies to every U.S. Armed Forces member deployed in this.
2. Aside from the above stated common sense measure, there does not to be a similar precaution in place for anyone else. This I am highlighting in this thread has been evidenced this week in Scotland.
3. I see this as a premier example of what I term as "Human Arrogance". "Human Arrogance" is in my opinion potentially a disease in its self. This disease is often found to be more prevalent in First World Societies. The prime symptom of this disease is insidious in its self. This symptom is the "Belief that we are in command of the natural world. That we are the masters of our universe and that we can easily overcome any threat the natural world throws our way."
4. Thus we see irrefutable evidence this week here in the UK, that "WE" "Masters of the Universe" feel it is to paranoid to emplace any type of mandatory quarantine measures on people that are "Doing great work" fighting the Ebola Outbreak.
I honestly do not feel that in respect to this incident I am being unreasonable in highlighting the fact that I feel that we are courting disaster.
I firmly believe that the lessons of history teach us that our arrogance as a race is our greatest enemy.
Do I believe that Ebola will wipe out a huge amount of the population? Most likely not. Yet stranger things have happened.
I do worry about a very simple principle however. Mother nature has kicked us in the balls enough in the past, that we should have learned to ALWAYS take common sense overly cautious measures to prevent getting kicked in the BALLS.
Just saying.