A lot of docs will prescribe things like Tamiflu or Epipens on request. When we had bees we requested the Epipen script just in case and the doc wrote it without even raising an eyebrow. Worth asking, right? Don't forget your flu shot, too!
Oh - and I was told recently that Elderflower syrup is an excellent preventative and remedy for the flu. I've got to do more research, but I've started looking into grow-your-own meds for when you can't get to a pharmacy*. There's a lot of good (and a lot of crap) in the old ways of treating illness.
* disclaimer: I LOVE modern medicine, highly recommend it, am not one of those fluffernutters who think herbs are the only meds you need. I just know that if/when things go to hell it might be hard to get meds like Tamiflu.