Author Topic: After SHTF!  (Read 1862 times)

Offline JoJo

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After SHTF!
« on: July 21, 2018, 07:59:27 PM »
 Whose on drugs and which drugs? One drug not often mentioned is Xanax which is a drug that calms those with anxiety within 30minuets. It works well I know because my wife was addicted to it. She was put on it when it first came out an no one at that time knew how addictive it was.  When the problems that caused her to use it were solved she went to the doctor for help to get off of it. He said after ten days a person using it is addicted and had no idea how to quit except stop taking it. It took her ten years to kick the habit. At times she was very violent which is why I'm telling you this story.
 Just think there is a very large number of people on this drug now. Cut off their supply and all hell will break loose when SHTF. Do you know if anyone on this drug is in your neighborhood?

Xanax could be driving America's next drug epidemic: Top psychiatrist warns addictive anti-anxiety meds are being dished out like opioids were in the 90s - and patients are struggling to quit

    Opioid prescriptions peaked in 2012. But the rate of benzodiazepine prescriptions climbed 67 percent between 1996 and 2013
    Dr Anna Lembke of Stanford warns she has seen a spike in patients addicted to anti-anxiety medications
    The rate of deaths from people taking opioids and benzos together has gone up seven-fold since 1999
    Dr Lembke warns: 'Unfortunately, when it comes to the brain, there's no such thing as a free snack.'
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Offline Kbop

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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2018, 08:41:54 PM »
yepper JoJo.
Any disaster that shut the pharmacies down for a year would be a major problem.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 11:00:28 PM »
XANAX is OK if your Dr. explains the proper way to use it. Many years ago, I would wake up between 3 AM and 3:15 AM almost every night and was having a panic attack. The odd thing was that at that time I was under almost no stress. Anyway, the Dr. prescribed a low dose of Xanax and said to only take it when I was having a panic attack. He said that if I took it everyday for a long period of time, I would have to taper off because if I didn't, I could have seizures or possibly a whole lot worse. What I've noticed is that when I'm ready for bed and my nerves happen to be bit edgy, I just take one and it prevents me from having panic attacks. I haven'y had a panic attack in a very long time. I keep a bunch of them in my Med Kit just in case I need them. Taking those things everyday is not wise because of the possible consequences of stopping abruptly. I think half the problem with most medications is the Assembly Line Medicine that a lot of today's Dr.s practice. They say, "Here take this." No explanation, no warnings, no nothing. Then its, "Next patient please."

Offline JoJo

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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2018, 09:34:21 AM »
 @PK you are so correct. When my wife was told to take them at that time they were only tested for ten days and had no idea what havoc they would cause. They had her taking six a day. I give her all the credit in the world because she broke the habit by herself with shear determination the medical profession was no help.
 I sincerely hope you can overcome your panic attacks, I've seen how devastating they can be.   
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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2018, 03:53:45 AM »
This is a concern in my clan as well.

Like many people there are those here that rely upon different meds.

We are working our education of more natural ways to address the things that man made meds do for us. Slowly getting in bulk supplies of the natural remedy ingredients in. Not a perfect solution. Yet better than nothing.

Thinking on the subject of how people will react or act when the supply of meds dries up has occupied a small bit of our planing thoughts.

I am leaning towards the view that in a SHTF situation. A bunch of people are going to be acting crazy no matter what. It is likely that the med dependent crazy people will be lost in the larger crowds of unprepared people going crazy. So we are just planning on how to deal with all of the different crazy people.

Crazy is as crazy does. They are all a threat.

Cheers all.

Offline Rogue-Metalsmith

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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2018, 04:04:53 AM »
This is a concern in my clan as well.

Crazy is as crazy does. They are all a threat.

Hey all

I have to say i am with gadget on this one.
I suppose it is just one of those things that will have to play itself out.

Sunny side up


Offline zanedclark

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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2018, 11:16:51 AM »
I've given thought to the issue of drugs as well.  For us the availability of highly blood pressure meds would be a concern.

But the thing most on my mind lately is exactly the issue in this thread, addiction created by the medical community.

My mother died at 96.  For the last 20 years of her life she was addicted to opioids prescribed by her Dr.  I had a hernia repair in '15 and Norco was prescribed.  I told the Doctor I would not take them due to Mother's experience.  (A sister and niece also became addicted due to the availability).

Wife went to Urgent Care a couple of days ago and at the end of the visit was prescribed Norco.

A good friend of ours had a terrible time getting off medically prescribed opioids.
(Kinda lost my point here.)


Offline JoJo

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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2018, 11:23:39 AM »
@Z No you didn't loose your point. What you stated is exactly what I was talking about. My wife just had a knee replacement and refused to pain killers. She suffered with pain because all she would take was Tylenol, she was scared to death to get addicted again.
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Offline zanedclark

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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2018, 11:43:17 AM »
@JoJo, Yes,


Offline Nemo

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Re: After SHTF!
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2018, 01:15:31 PM »
Way back in 83 I crashed a car and in the hospital with some serious ortho injures in the legs.  Kept for 59 days and under the knife about 20 times back then.  Out and then after 3 months, 6 months and 24 months cut again.

I did alot of morphine and similar.  And I mean lots.  Its great.

Discussed the addictive qualities of narcotics with a couple docs because I was concerned with that idea.  All  told me not an issue.  Just take it when you need it and not when you think you should or when you might want it.

Never had an issue. 

But some of the newer stuff scares me.  Ankle fusion and hip replacement in the past 5 and some new ones are really nice.  And scary.  So be careful.

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