Author Topic: Wisconsin: John Doe Warrants Being Executed In Milwaukee County  (Read 1467 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Apparently the Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm, has been requesting John Doe search warrants on groups that supported  Gov. Scott Walker.

The Blaze reports
This Wednesday on TheBlaze TV, ‘For the Record‘ looks into a series of political raids from the Milwaukee County district attorney’s office targeting Republican Gov. Walker. An investigation into money missing from a veterans’ fund has turned into a controversial, multi-year probe aimed at a large number of people and nearly 30 conservative groups who support Walker. The investigation is called “John Doe” because it’s supposed to be secret, but a series of leaks from the District Attorney’s office has made it a very public affair instead. Now, there are questions about what some believe are unethical tactics by the DA in a politically motivated case.

I know that neither Crudos or Burt are fans of The Blaze - I got that. With that said, if the DA is asking and receiving John Doe warrants, they are being served on pro Gov. Walker groups and the County Sherriff refuses to serve the warrants (Watch the 2 minute video imbedded in the article); are we that removed from a banana republic?

If this kind of intimidation works in WI, US IRS, is your organization, liberal, independent or conservative not going to be targeted?

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." Martin Niemöller
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Offline crudos

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Re: Wisconsin: John Doe Warrants Being Executed In Milwaukee County
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 01:36:38 PM »
JM, I would go beyond The Blaze for a unbiased view of the John Doe warrants going on. Here is my view on the whole situation....

County workers did campaign work for Walker on public time via a private email server in county offices. Think the employees used personal laptops in order to try and circumvent Wisconsin's open record laws. That is a huge no-no regardless of political persuasion.

Walker aide stole money from a veterans organization....

Haven't heard about the sheriff not serving warrants.

Look deeper JM, this is hardly superficial stuff going on by the Governor of my state. Read the local paper sites on these stories, not the media spin from the conservative entertainment complex.

Burt Gummer

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Re: Wisconsin: John Doe Warrants Being Executed In Milwaukee County
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2014, 07:55:49 PM »
While they are all politicians and so make their living off the sweat of others. There are many degrees of dirt baggery when it comes to them.
For instance David A. Clarke the Milwaukee county sheriff has a strong public constitutional stance and hast the upper hand when it comes to legal authority. You might have also seen him on the Alex Jones show.

While Edward A. Flynn the Milwaukee chief of police is severely anti gun/liberty on all fronts and much larger and better funded then the sheriffs department, (they really don't like each other).
<-- Who's that guy? hmm....

Same thing with our governor Scot Walker. Politician, yes. Still he is actually reducing size and intrusiveness of the Wisconsin state government and managing to pass pro gun legislation. and curb off increased drug prosecution. He and Clarke also see eye to eye.

He is contrasted with the second most influential politician, Tom Barrett the mayor of Milwaukee. Who is your quintessential big Gov "man of the people suckers" and has Flynn lapping at his boot heels.

It looks to me that this situation is being exploited by the anti walker crowd which aims to garner more support coming the next election (which it's lacking) and have these warrants serve as president for more (look we're doing something) media arrests.

Offline crudos

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Re: Wisconsin: John Doe Warrants Being Executed In Milwaukee County
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2014, 09:17:36 PM »
Burt, I bet if Barrett or Doyle (previous gov) was the governor and was being investigated for the same things, you can bet the the GOP would be howling for his head on a golden platter. Both parties are complete sh*t, hyper-partisanship is the new way of governing. All the while, the people get screwed over and over again. The one thing Scotty was able to do, as you noted, was FINALLY get concealed carry passed. Other than that, he's done nothing to win me over. Just another politician trying to get to the next big payday.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Wisconsin: John Doe Warrants Being Executed In Milwaukee County
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 11:02:17 AM »
O-Kay both the Dems and GOP Politian's are scum - I get it.

With that said, lets look past the Politian's and local politics and ask our selves: Is this right? Is it legal? Is this something we are going to see done by partisan DA's in other counties of WI. or other states? I hate John Doe warrants as they are usually just fishing expeditions.

Whether you like or dislike the Tea Party, they were clearly harassed by the United States IRS. AG Eric Holder refuses to name an independent prosecutor to investigate the allegations. Remember US AG William Saxbe (AG under Nixon) named an independent prosecutor to investigate the Watergate allegations.
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Offline crudos

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Re: Wisconsin: John Doe Warrants Being Executed In Milwaukee County
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2014, 12:05:46 PM »
O-Kay both the Dems and GOP Politian's are scum - I get it.

With that said, lets look past the Politian's and local politics and ask our selves: Is this right? Is it legal? Is this something we are going to see done by partisan DA's in other counties of WI. or other states? I hate John Doe warrants as they are usually just fishing expeditions.

Whether you like or dislike the Tea Party, they were clearly harassed by the United States IRS. AG Eric Holder refuses to name an independent prosecutor to investigate the allegations. Remember US AG William Saxbe (AG under Nixon) named an independent prosecutor to investigate the Watergate allegations.
Where there is smoke, there is usually fire. Unless you can come up with another way to find out of wrong-doing by elected officials, who have the power and means to try and hide their trails, then I'm all ears.