Author Topic: Dugin Assisination Attempt, Is This The Archduke Franz Ferdinand Moment  (Read 196 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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With the the botched assassination attempt on Alexander Dugin, is this the Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment that will be the match that lights the WW III fuse?

Add to the murder of the second or third most powerful man's daughter in Russia, we learn that Ukraine President Zelensky, Invites China To Rebuild Ukraine.

Didn't we send Ukraine $60B? Nice huh?

I am trying to get my brain around it all. To sort it out and predict the future for my family. I wonder if all the corruption now public knowledge around Hunter, Joe, Jim, Jill, Russia, Ukraine, and Xi is leading us down the yellow brick road to WW III. Add to this "goats head soup" we have the Davos group wanting a WW III drama to advance their fascist goals.

If you think the first half of 2022 was hot, just wait as we roll up to the midterms in November AND if the House and Senate are flipped to the GOP side. It is going to get hotter than the sun the second half of this year.

Stay tuned  :popcorn:
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 12:16:20 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Dugin Assisination Attempt, Is This The Archduke Franz Ferdinand Moment
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2022, 01:24:43 PM »
    The assassination has been attributed to many different entities, including Russian separatists, Ukrainian sympathizers, the CIA and the Mossad.   

    If the U.S. was smart, we'd walk away from the European theater.  But Lyin' Biden has to help out his buddies.

    Hadn't heard of China's involvement with Ukraine, that's definitely not a good development.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Dugin Assisination Attempt, Is This The Archduke Franz Ferdinand Moment
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2022, 04:01:16 PM »
Personally, I do not believe that any country should invade another. With that said, I am starting to think that we only know a portion of why Russia invaded Ukraine. The propagandists in our Main Stream Media (MSM) are in bed with old Poopy Pants of the U.S. (PPOTUS) or actually, his puppeteers who are pulling the strings.

Let's face it, Ukraine is a corrupt country and who knows what promises they made with the devil during the Bush, Obama, and Biden administrations.

The big question that nobody has been able to answer is; why are we giving them $60B? Aide for sure however, howitzers that they are reselling on the open market - No.

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Offline RB in GA

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Re: Dugin Assisination Attempt, Is This The Archduke Franz Ferdinand Moment
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2022, 06:35:20 PM »
As far as I'm concerned every country is a corrupt country- every single one- ours as much or moreso than some.  In the big scheme of things is there any real difference in a dictator being corrupt and a bunch of oligarchs being so? Or a bunch of bureaucrats? An elected President? Whatever difference is just a matter of economy of scale.  Pay offs are payoffs regardless of who gets what.  For the people in the bottom 50% of any given country it only matters if they believe their slice of the pie has gotten  too small to eat (therein lies the revolution!).

As far as the Ukraine goes, Zelensky would be an idiot not to talk to China.  If he could get the Chinese to put pressure on Russia to end the conflict a lot of Ukrainian lives would be saved.  Which, IMO, should be a major, if not the major, consideration for him. Yes, we have sent him a lot of aid, but only what was needed to stop Russia short of conquest, not what is needed to win the war for the Ukraine. And apparantly we have no intention of doing so. That has been his argument all along, and frankly he's right.  We arent so much defending the Ukraine as we are bleeding Russia (and the Ukraine concurrently).
Let's not forget that ALL of the Ukraine drama could have been avoided years ago if NATO hadnt dragged its feet on the Ukraine's application for membership.  If they admitted Romania and Bulgaria they should have had no issue with the Ukraine. Russia would have never attacked if Ukraine was a NATO member.

Looked at in that overall context, inviting China to invest in rebuilding makes somewhat more sense than it would first appear.  And besides, whatever the Chinese build in the Ukraine can't be physically repossessed, assuming the "corrupt" Ukrainians won't be as stupid as the "corrupt" African countries that agreed to Chinese military bases in exchange for economic help.

As far as resliing aid, all I can find legitimately referenced are articles about humanitarian aid being siphoned off and sold on the black market. SAd, but not truly suprising. I did find one reference, since discredited as it was a Kremlin-aligned source, that stated the Ukrainians were selling surplus military equipment to African countries.  I doubt seriously there is any state sponsored effort to sell Western military equipment off by the Ukranians as it superior to most Cold War era equipment still in their warehouses- it just wouldn't make sense. Corrupt individuals-maybe.  Selling old Cold War surplus does make sense however, as the money could be reinvested in more modern equipment.