The "anger" comes from watching people sell out their own country for the interests of another, there's a word for that and I think it starts with a "T".
It also angers me that the Israeli's get a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card when it comes to shooting palestinian farmers in the head and bulldozing their villages to build more "settlements", yet everyone seems to be concerned with the so-called "persecution" of the Israelis. It causes "anger" when the Israeli's are caught abusing our trust OVER and OVER and OVER again (USS Liberty, Intelligence theft, False flag operations). They are not OUR ally, we are THEIR asset.
It literally confounds me.
It doesn't matter that the Israeli's are conducting an ethnic cleansing of "Israel", it doesn't matter that they run a full-blown apartheid state, it doesn't matter that they drop white phosphorous and cluster bombs on schools and apartment complexes. The sick and horrendous things that their religion teaches them about christians don't matter to you either, the fact that the Talmud says that Jesus Christ is in Hell being "Boiled in hot excrement" and that it is okay to rape and enslave gentiles.
People are so quick to call muslims savages and animals but the Israelis ARE THE EXACT SAME!!!
No, you totally have your priorities straight in supporting Israel.
At least we know what you support JohnnyMac.