Please remember Ken that the Russians (Stalin to be specific) used The
Holodomor to suppress the Ukrainian people in 1932-33 where an estimated 2.4 - 7.5M Ukrainians were murdered by starvation (Genocide).
Here is another article to read if you would like to get another opinion/account to the Wiki article above.
Now do I think we should send troops into the Ukraine to help the protesters - NO! Do I think we could help them to keep the chains of Putin from surrounding the Ukraine again - Yes.
On another note: There are now four large scale protests/civil wars going on around the planet; Syria, Venezuela, Argentina and now Ukraine.
Maybe we should throw into the equation:
> Afghanistan
> Iraq
> Egypt
> Iran
> Republic of Congo
> Mexico
> What country have I missed?
The a fore mentioned four countries is a scary thing. Stay tuned....