Author Topic: Tucker Carlson Interviews Rudy Giuliani 4/29/2021  (Read 311 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Rudy Giuliani 4/29/2021
« on: April 29, 2021, 09:53:06 PM »
It is a fun 10-minute watch.

If the President Biden can do this to Giuliani they can do it to you. Enjoy - JMc
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interviews Rudy Giuliani 4/29/2021
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2021, 11:18:43 PM »
     Interesting video.  Rudy didn't seem too upset.  Since the Feds rejected the Hunter hard drives, it becomes obvious that this is politically motivated, and it's being done for propaganda purposes.  The Democraps play hardball when they're in power, and the Republicrats play Frisbee when they're in power.  If, and that's a big if, the Republicrats ever get back into power, they better grow a pair and use the power wisely, but we all know that they'll want to be nice and they won't accomplish anything. 

     As we get closer to the void, it becomes clearer that there are no valid leaders left in our country.  This morning I was reading that the RINO, Cindy McCain is supporting Hunter, because she's also a recovering addict.  The Republicrats and Democraps have a sole goal, to destroy our country for their masters.  There's too much ambient noise today, the nation needs a leader who is focused like a laser in helping the country recover from the treason and treachery that is so prevalent today.

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Re: Tucker Carlson Interviews Rudy Giuliani 4/29/2021
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2021, 09:44:48 AM »
America is a corrupt country today. Our leaders have gone down the rabbit hole of money and power. Once you have money you then work towards power. Case in point, the oligarchs of the new millennium - Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Pelosi, Sharpton, and King comes immediately to mind.

With the corruption comes a two-tiered level of justice. Justice for the oligarchs and their friends who are members of the club - Hunter, Joe, Hillary, Comey, and Brennan comes immediately to mind. The Deplorables...YOU, are not.

Not to be melodramatic here however, there does need to be a Reset but not The Great Reset which our leaders are herding us too...Not unlike a Judas Goat leading the herd to the slaughter. AKA, Modernized Fascism.

The legal way to combat this is local. Run for school board, mayor, town supervisors, state legislature, and of course the US Legislature. The challenge there is, currently we are a society that expects instant results not unlike when we buy something from Amazon.

The quick way to gain back our government is at the point of a bayonet. AntiFa and BurnLootMurder Inc. are doing that. It is only a matter of time before folks that gather here on Unchainedpreppers, our churches & synagogues, and in homes across the country, follow suit. 

"the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson, 1787



« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 09:57:32 AM by JohnyMac »
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