ERIN Digital & Phone nets Tuesday February 25, 2025; Go to HERE for Current SOI
The Last ElectionAnd now Iran is in Washington?s gunsights. Iran has been accepting gold for oil. That places the US Dollar in imminent danger of becoming irrelevant.DC cannot allow this to happen.The Dollar will collapse soon, and China will surge into world leadership with their gold-backed currency. Here is my prediction. Mittens Romney will be that president.
Gold for Iran oil? Govt declines any commentNEW DELHI: A reputed Israeli intelligence website has claimed that India is opting for gold to repay crude oil supplies from Iran. Given the US and EU embargo on Iran, payment in hard currency, such as the US dollar or euro, is very difficult; hence, this barter.
gold is about as valuable as dirt when nobody has food
That won't happen for a very long time, as in none of our life times.
What is a presidential election when the only choices are selected by monied interests?