Ultimately that's all that one can ask of another, is to be a good person in the most universal, basic sense. You can fashion your concept of what a good person is however you like, but the more you tack onto that term, the more often you will be disappointed.
It's admirable to truly believe in something, as it is to want those you like and love to have the same understanding, especially if you think that lives, souls, etc... are at stake, but more admirable than that is to support, listen to, and enlighten those friends to the best of your ability while acknowledging and respecting their free will.
I've had many wonderful people in my life tell me that they wanted to see me in the afterlife, which is a beautiful sentiment, but you can't force anyone to believe whole-heartedly in something, that's up to them and their creator. Though painful to think of never seeing certain people again, I say goodbye to folks all the time knowing that it's likely the last time, such is life-- life is pain and to love is to suffer...
Let's all bask in the thought that the prepping community is a fine example of folks transcending race, creed, gender, etc... to join forces and help each other out.
Although it's just one perspective, here's a clip that may help those who are lost understand the "meaning of life" (no disrespect meant to the topic)...