ok. President. does this office hold much significance any more? many argue that it doesn't. occasionally I'll agree with that line of thought. but then you have to take a step back and look at the sheer number of executive orders that are issued during a presidential term, and the effects that said orders have, and you quickly realize that the office is significant indeed.
that brings me to my next point. Barry vs. Romney vs. Johnson.
I think it's pretty safe to say that we all agree that Barry is a no-go. that leaves the good old faithful (lol) GOP pick, or the useless, go-nowhere, "standing up for my principals" 3rd party vote. decisions, decisions.
here's how I'm thinking these days:
I'm aware that Romney is no better than Barry, BUT... consider the fact that if he is elected, he'll be another first-term president. which means that any major gun laws are off the table if he wants to stand a fuck's chance in a church of getting re-elected. the exact same reason why our current Fuhrer hasn't gone that route yet. that's about the only reason I can conjure up that I MAY vote Romney.
on the other hand, I don't mind Johnson. seems like a decent enough guy. obviously much more in line with my way of thinking. but when you cast the vote for Johnson, you go into it fully aware that there's no chance of victory. you're simply making a statement. in fact, as much as I HATE to agree with the typical neocon GOP types, they are kind of right when they talk about splitting the anti-obama vote. all the RP libertarians that vote Johnson are basically handing Barry a second term on a silver platter.
so... wtf do we do?
this topic is wide open for discussion.
NOLA, politically speaking, the only REAL question that matters even a bit, is LA a swing State? How often has it gone Democrat in the past 8 presidential terms?
You see, my vote is lucky for me, Georgia is a Republican State, we control it like a mother fucker, we are not a swing State, and so, with a clear conscious I can vote for the man, who I believe has the best character, principles, prove leadership and management abilities, without worry about who is going to win my State and my State's electoral votes, because I know 100 percent it will go to Romney, the demographics haven't changes here enough, yet, to make me worry.
However, for those of you out there who live in a swing State, the choice is a little bit more difficult for you, but as for me, even if I was in a swing State, I would still vote for the man with the best character, principles, proven leadership, the MOST fiscally conservative, the most social liberty, and management abilities.
I just believe in voting my principles THAT much. I feel I owe it to the person who is out there busting his ass everyday, and wasting God knows how much money to try and win an election and get this country RIGHT again.
That's just me, and I'm sure everyone has a different opinion.
For all of you that forget this, presidents are not voted in on the popular vote, they are voted in by the Electoral College of each State. If you vote for Mitt, and Obama wins, then your vote literally doesn't count at all towards voting in Mitt, because ALL of your State's electoral votes then go for Obama.
Check out how our presidential election system works with the electoral college, it might help you make a more informed decision about your vote.
Also, to add to the discussion, our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves right now at how presidents have WAY too much power and influence over the country, and they would be shocked we let it get this far in the first place. The president was NEVER supposed to have this much power. They almost act like little petty dictators now, and everyone just accepts it. [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at