Author Topic: The Administrations Gun Control solutions  (Read 523 times)

Offline crudos

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The Administrations Gun Control solutions
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:10:30 PM »
Listed here....

White House list of executive orders on gun violence.

Now is the time to be pounding your legislators to prevent further erosion of 2A rights.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Administrations Gun Control solutions
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 01:37:24 PM »
For you folks with poor bandwidth

 THE WHITE HOUSEOffice of the Press Secretary
 January 16, 2013
Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions
Today, the President is announcing that he and the Administration will:1.
Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevantdata available to the federal background check system.2.
Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from makinginformation available to the background check system.3.
Improve incentives for states to share information with the background checksystem.4.
Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited fromhaving a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.5.
Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full backgroundcheck on an individual before returning a seized gun.6.
Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance onhow to run background checks for private sellers.7.
Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.8.
Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product SafetyCommission).9.
Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace gunsrecovered in criminal investigations.10.
Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make itwidely available to law enforcement.11.
Nominate an ATF director.12.
Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with propertraining for active shooter situations.13.
Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.14.
Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control toresearch the causes and prevention of gun violence.15.
Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effectiveuse of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to developinnovative technologies.16.
Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patientsabout guns in their homes.17.
Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibitsthem from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.18.
Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.
Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship andinstitutions of higher education.20.
Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental healthservices that Medicaid plans must cover.21.
Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirementswithin ACA exchanges.22.
Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.23.
Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mentalhealth

Note: I did not see any executive orders. Only requests that Congress pass "X." I did not see any attacks on video games or movies.

Crudos is right...If you haven't yet; start writing your letters.

Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline thatGirl

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Re: The Administrations Gun Control solutions
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 03:06:11 PM »
Note: I did not see any executive orders. Only requests that Congress pass "X." I did not see any attacks on video games or movies.
No attacks on video games, just 10 million budgeted for research to look into potential correlations between exposure to violent video games, and other media containing violence, with real acts of violence.  Total cost of the new proposals, $500 million-- that's 3,110,460,000 in Chinese Yuan and equivalent to the cost of 800,000 low-end computers, 5 million school books (@ $100 a pop), or 200 million public school lunches for hungry kiddos...

Quoted from the yahoo news feed:

"Obama also aimed to thaw what the White House called a "freeze" in scientific research of gun violence by the Centers for Disease Control. And he urged Congress to bankroll the CDC to do research into possible linkages between violent video games and other media images and real-life violence, to the tune of $10 million."
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Re: The Administrations Gun Control solutions
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 12:08:57 AM »
"Obama also aimed to thaw what the White House called a "freeze" in scientific research of gun violence by the Centers for Disease Control. And he urged Congress to bankroll the CDC to do research into possible linkages between violent video games and other media images and real-life violence, to the tune of $10 million."

The guy in charge of the CDC, is a big Obama supporter, appointed by Obama. Yeah, those findings will be unbiased.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Administrations Gun Control solutions
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 09:45:51 AM »
hj, the report is already written and sitting in a drawer at the CDC.
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