1minute 12 seconds.. What do we have there? Nice little Mosin buddy!
BTW, this kind of shit hurts me feelings, the newsman says NATO will study what went wrong like it isn't patently obvious.
First, the purpose of a uniform is to IDENTIFY which side you're on. Almost every conflict in the history of armed conflict has involed someone putting on someone else's uniform for some gain but for fuck sake we couldn't make it any easier for these goat fuckers. No but seriously, Anyone of these stupid fucks can go down to the local whatever and get their own US issue uniform, rifle and haircut... wait we wouldn't want to offend their religious sensibilities by asking them to cut their hair.
Can't make your people wear IDENTIFICATION either?
So what we got is a civilian population that is all beards and man dresses, Police that could be confused for 1980s National Guardsmen if they weren't a bunch of glad handing dipshits. ANA who are wearing the uniforms that our boys wore on the way into Iraq and they are all carrying M16 pattern rifles.
NATO has to investigate what went wrong?
What went wrong is that we haven't policed up our crap.
We are having our people train and generally be exposed to what amounts to an unknown mob. Yet we make sure they don't maintain an aggressive posture, our people have to maintain that the ANA/AP aren't the enemy.. until one of them shoots them in the back. Fucking great.
With the failure to vet the ANA and AP it is a fucking MIRACLE that we haven't lost more people and a fair indicator of how slow most of these Tali fuckers are the VietCong wouldn't have passed up this opportunity. [/rant]