Author Topic: Starbuck's Marriage View  (Read 2428 times)

Offline Reaver

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2013, 10:32:35 PM »
You thumpers are so odd. How can you just have blind faith?
Yet talk about sheep in the sense of mindless followers to the government.  [img]

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Offline sledge

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2013, 10:43:21 PM »
You thumpers are so odd. How can you just have blind faith?
Yet talk about sheep in the sense of mindless followers to the government.  [img]

Blind faith in God - Yes
Blind faith in man - No

Thump, Thump.  : )

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2013, 10:52:03 PM »
 C:-) move it along

Offline WhiteWolfReloaded

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2013, 11:03:08 PM »
Bottom line.

We all should have the right to pursue our own happiness.
Religion based ideas ruin that. If your a constitutionalist you should be pro fag. Just because of they want to be happy with a cock in their mouth they should. Who am I or you to tell them no. Your not.

Look, I'm not a fag, and me personally I think it's fucking gross. But it's not my place to tell them they can't be happy. Do y'all thing. Just leave me out of it.

All I can say to that. ?Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.? John Adams.

Offline sledge

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2013, 11:05:31 PM »
C:-) move it along

LOL!  I knew that was going to be coming.  I'll stroll along to another thread now officer.   :)

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline WhiteWolfReloaded

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2013, 11:17:04 PM »
You thumpers are so odd. How can you just have blind faith?
Yet talk about sheep in the sense of mindless followers to the government.  [img]

It's not blind faith man. It's literally thousands of fulfilled prophecies, miracles, and changed lives that are a testament to what the Bible has to say. And I'll tell you this, man has failed me. No self loathing about it, but I had a pretty tough childhood, tougher teen years, and some fucked up parents. Marriage ain't bad, but life always presents you with challenges. Any time I've called on God he's delivered. Even now, I'm in pain, but he's delivered. I may still be in pain, but I know it's because I'm being chastised for some things. And rightly so. I asked for it. Not specifically back pain, but sometimes being chastised is the best way to clear up the bad shit in your life. And while you may never understand that faith know that it's strong enough that I'd take a bullet for you because of it. Pray that never happens though because my last words to you will be something about bunnies. And you know I'm a smart ass.


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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2013, 11:56:22 PM »
Reaver, lemme give you a lesson (from an old man) about faith.  Everytime you apply the brakes, sit in a chair, ride the elevator you have faith in mechanical equipment not to break down, correct?  You have faith that your car brakes will work, or the chair will hold you up.  Mechanical/physical stuff is not 100% reliable, am I right?  I jumped out of planes for five years and had faith every time.  I'm still here, much to your dismay.  Faith is defined as:  "The SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen."  Step up to the plate...

We are at a unique crossroads in history where leaders are needed; and they must have faith.

Offline Reaver

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2013, 02:29:13 AM »
You guys are getting me all wrong. I have faith in God, just not Jesus as the son of God. My faith in God is also not whole hearted. I do not and cannot believe that simply praying or having.g faith will get one through the day. God IMO enables you to take care of you're self. My brakes work because I just changed them. The elevator works because my fat ass doesn't exceed the weight limit. If the all mighty wants you, he's ganna get you. Praying to go to his kingdom is like groveling at someone's feet and I'm not a damn slave. I would expect that anyone with all knowing powers would appreciate the things I do, and except me based on my actions in life. ( so far )

Am I making sense to anyone but myself here?

Auto text on my phone is / homosexual / chuckle chuckle. Please bare with me.
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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2013, 05:05:52 AM »
Straight, gay, open, arranged, interracial or polygamous, a marriage between consenting persons of age causes you no harm in anyway, shape or form. Like it or not it's going to happen, frankly I don't care. When you bring the Bible into it it just opens you up to fire, I'm almost certain that there isn't anyone on the anti side that is living a life adhering strictly to the Bible. It's just one more distraction to get your eye off the ball.

Offline Reaver

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2013, 06:56:08 AM »
Quote from: CrookedSights link=topic=3673.msg [URL=http://www.smileyvault.co40922#msg40922 date=1364893552
Straight, gay, open, arranged, interracial or polygamous, a marriage between consenting persons of age causes you no harm in anyway, shape or form. Like it or not it's going to happen, frankly I don't care. When you bring the Bible into it it just opens you up to fire, I'm almost certain that there isn't anyone on the anti side that is living a life adhering strictly to the Bible. It's just one more distraction to get your eye off the ball.

Roger fucking that.
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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2013, 01:17:21 PM »
I used to support that viewpoint 100%, "if it doesn't harm me why do I care?" 

This is the same argument used by most people who choose not to own a firearm, and willingly vote for degrading the rights of others because "I don't exercise that right anyway, so it does not harm me."

From History:  Do we see any parallels in our culture and the downfall of a once great civilization?

"Marcus Aurelius states at one point that almost every other day there was a wealthy person dying who was the last person in their blood line. People didn?t want to spend their wealth on raising children and passing on their wealth to them at an old age. Augustus tried to make family reforms to deal with the poor birth rate and poor family life. Augustus gave tax breaks to married couples who had children, but this didn?t help much because Roman citizens had become used to their freedom from family duties. While Augustus was trying to pass family reforms he couldn?t even stop members of his own family from constantly committing adultery. Many kinds of different sexual practices became accepted. Julius Caesar was called ?Every woman?s man, and every man?s woman? and Nero married a young man. People would eat herbs that made them sterile. People would have abortions if they weren?t up to the task of raising the child. If the child wasn?t the gender that the parents wanted or if the child had any kind of deformity the parents would go leave the child out in the wild to die."

"Some advocates of same-sex "marriage" scoff at the idea that it could harm anyone. Here are several ways in which society could be harmed by legalizing same-sex "marriage." Most of these effects would become evident only in the long run, but several would occur immediately.

Immediate Effects 

Taxpayers, consumers, and businesses would be forced to subsidize homosexual relationships.

If same-sex marriage were legalized, all employers, public and private, large or small, would be required to offer spousal benefits to homosexual couples. You, as a taxpayer, consumer, or small business owner, would be forced to bear the expense of subsidizing homosexual relationships-including their higher health care costs.

Schools would teach that homosexual relationships are identical to heterosexual ones.

A lesbian who teaches 8th grade sex education in Massachusetts told NPR that she teaches her children how lesbians use "a sex toy" to have intercourse. If anyone objects, she says, "Give me a break. It's legal now." (it's normal sexual education now right?) One father was jailed after protesting because his son-a kindergarten student-was given a book about same-sex couples.

Freedom of conscience and religious liberty would be threatened. 

Churches and non-profit organizations could be stripped of their tax exemptions and religious psychologists, social workers, and marriage counselors could be denied licensing if they "discriminate" against homosexuals.

Homosexuals can sue people who are exercising their religious beliefs. For example, a heterosexual married couple with children who do not want to rent a room in their own family household to homosexuals could be sued for discrimination based on "sexual orientation."

If a self-employed business owner with strong religious convictions refuses to offer his services to homosexuals and he is sued and goes bankrupt, is he harmed?  A. Examples of such businesses where a person should be free to refuse services could be things like wedding photographers, masseuses, tutoring, etc.

If a Catholic orphanage is forced to shut down because it is against its religious moral code to turn children over to homosexual couples, is someone hurt?

If a public school teacher voices his disapproval of homosexuality on Facebook on his own time, away from work, in his own home, on his own computer, and is fired from his teaching position, is he harmed?

If a college student refuses to share a dorm room with a homosexual, or speaks out about their behaviors, will they be chastised/expelled for bigotry? (this could be going on now, not sure)

When morally conservative people who disapprove of homosexuality are labeled as "moral dinosaurs," "bigots," "hate mongers," "right wing fanatics," "preachers of hatred," "intolerant," are they harmed?

Long-Term Effects

Fewer people would marry.

In Massachusetts, where same-sex "marriages" began in May 2004, only 52% of same-sex couples who live together had even bothered to "marry" by the end of 2006. Among opposite-sex couples, the comparable figure is 91%. In the Netherlands, the figures are even lower, with only 12% of homosexual couples having entered legal civil "marriages." Giving the option of same-sex "marriage" would tell society that marriage in general is "optional," not normative, and fewer people would marry.

Fewer people would remain monogamous and sexually faithful.

Among homosexual men, sex with multiple partners is tolerated and often expected. One study in the Netherlands showed that homosexual men with a steady partner had an average of eight sexual partners per year. If these behaviors are incorporated into what society affirms as "marriage," then fidelity among heterosexuals would likely decline as well.   

Fewer people would remain married for a lifetime.

Even a homosexual psychologist has acknowledged that "gay and lesbian couples dissolve their relationships more frequently than heterosexual couples." The same Dutch study that showed the high rate of homosexual promiscuity also showed that the average homosexual male "partnership" lasts only 1.5 years. As the transience of homosexual relationships is incorporated in society's image of "marriage," we can expect that fewer heterosexuals would maintain a lifelong commitment.

Fewer children would be raised by a married mother and father. 

Social science has clearly proven clearly that children do best when raised by their own married biological mother and father. Yet legalizing same-sex "marriage" would put an official stamp of approval on the deliberate creation of permanently motherless or fatherless families. As scholar Stanley Kurtz says, this "would likely speed us on the way toward

. . . more frequent out-of-wedlock birth, and skyrocketing family dissolution."

More children would grow up fatherless.

Most children who live with only one biological parent will live with their mothers, and lesbian couples are more likely to be raising children than homosexual male couples. Therefore, with same-sex "marriage," more children would suffer the specific negative consequences of fatherlessness, which include higher rates of youth incarceration among males and adolescent pregnancy among females. Research also shows negative outcomes for the children of sperm donors, who are used by some lesbian couples.

Demands for legalization of polygamy would grow.

If a person's choice of spouse cannot be limited based on the sex of one's partner, it is hard to see how it could be limited based on the number of spouses either. This argument is already being pressed in the courts.

What he said.

Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #36 on: April 02, 2013, 08:00:22 PM »
it's funny that people on here can gouge the fuck out a persons religion in a lame ass atempt to "protect" equality and rights

 [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
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Offline Reaver

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2013, 08:25:43 PM »
it's funny that people on here can gouge the fuck out a persons religion in a lame ass atempt to "protect" equality and rights

 [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]

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Offline crudos

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2013, 08:39:47 PM »
Straight, gay, open, arranged, interracial or polygamous, a marriage between consenting persons of age causes you no harm in anyway, shape or form. Like it or not it's going to happen, frankly I don't care. When you bring the Bible into it it just opens you up to fire, I'm almost certain that there isn't anyone on the anti side that is living a life adhering strictly to the Bible. It's just one more distraction to get your eye off the ball.
CS, if I could give you a million karma points for this, I would.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 08:46:14 PM by crudos »

Offline WhiteWolfReloaded

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2013, 09:59:06 PM »
Quick question for those active in this thread. Did you guys watch that movie I posted "Agenda: Grinding America Down?"

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2013, 10:24:36 PM »
Between this thread, and the various pm's I've had with another forum member. I've got to say there isn't much hope left for mankind.

Not sure about the rest of you but I've got prepping to do, rather than worry about if the gay person in my workplace really just wants to rape my ass, sodomize the kids next door, and burn crosses with transvestite jesus nailed to it, in everyones front yard.

Deep end not only achieved, but a whole new level discovered.

Offline WhiteWolfReloaded

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2013, 11:06:57 PM »
Walker- +1 And thanks for passing it along. That's what I hoped for.

And I'm sorry if you feel like I'm putting you on the spot, but you asked to continue this publicly. And just like a conversation about an AR vs an AK I expect reasons, proof, historical references, etc. I've supplied my reasoning and Walker also supplied more to the same affect. And if anyone else wants to chime in with some concrete reasoning to support homosexual marriage than the "just because" social justice political correctness bullshit I'd love to hear it.

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2013, 11:19:05 PM »

Not sure about the rest of you but I've got prepping to do, rather than worry about if the gay person in my workplace really just wants to rape my ass, sodomize the kids next door, and burn crosses with transvestite jesus nailed to it, in everyones front yard.

This!  I'm still not quite sure what the gay issue has to do with a prepping site.  Or why the gay issue is important to how to survive the various threats that we face.  I agree with TG, we have bigger fish to fry.  I suspect whatever happens with gay marriage in the immediate future, it won't have time to cause the listed effects before the rest of the country collapses.  I agree with others who have stated that they are done with this thread.  To quote " I've got prepping to do"

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco


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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2013, 11:55:52 PM »
Walker I like you I really do you seem like a stand up guy, but you have to make a distinction between government (Force) and liberty (Choice). It's perfectly ok to be morally opposed to an act on every front and at the same time believe in the rights of others to engage in those acts so long as they are not violating another persons life, liberty or property. Much of what you've said is the result of an over reaching government. An employer, renter, church or whatever shouldn't be forced to hire/rent or provide benefits to anyone for any reason. I agree that our culture is fucked and needs to change on many fronts but not through force.

Offline WhiteWolfReloaded

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #44 on: April 03, 2013, 12:18:56 AM »
 [img] Truth folks. Truth. No one here is stopping homosexuals from doing anything. You guys bitch about liberty all the time and yet you don't even realize the homosexual agenda is fueled by the same socialist who have been trying to rip this country apart for years. That's blind and they're getting away with it because otherwise good men back down for fear of not being politically correct. Our nation was not founded on political correctness. No one here wants to stone them, ship them off, or deny them any right. We were founded as a nation based on Judeo-Christian principles. Marriage is a pillar of our nation. If the second amendment isn't for hunting than how would marriage be for gays?  Seeing divorce rates climb as our nation falls had ought to tell you how important it really is and that it needs to be protected. The sanctity of marriage is on the line. And while we're talking about rights guys. Hey where are ours? Our kids are taught in schools about why little Adam has two mommies or two daddies. They're taught there's no real right or wrong, evolution is fact, tolerance, and a number of other bullshit ideals. Where's our freedom to raise our children without biases being constantly pushed on them? It's down right pathetic to think this has nothing to do with prepping. No wonder Obama won. Some people are to busy buying in to the lies and to cowardly to speak the truth. We lose over and over again because we are divided over moral issues and there is no resolve left in most men to seek purification of truths. "Nothing to do with prepping."  [img]
Maybe you guys ought to make a new rule "no posting topic that aren't 100 percent prepping related."

Offline Reaver

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #45 on: April 03, 2013, 01:18:36 AM »
[img] Truth folks. Truth. No one here is stopping homosexuals from doing anything. You guys bitch about liberty all the time and yet you don't even realize the homosexual agenda is fueled by the same socialist who have been trying to rip this country apart for years. That's blind and they're getting away with it because otherwise good men back down for fear of not being politically correct. Our nation was not founded on political correctness. No one here wants to stone them, ship them off, or deny them any right. We were founded as a nation based on Judeo-Christian principles. Marriage is a pillar of our nation. If the second amendment isn't for hunting than how would marriage be for gays?  Seeing divorce rates climb as our nation falls had ought to tell you how important it really is and that it needs to be protected. The sanctity of marriage is on the line. And while we're talking about rights guys. Hey where are ours? Our kids are taught in schools about why little Adam has two mommies or two daddies. They're taught there's no real right or wrong, evolution is fact, tolerance, and a number of other bullshit ideals. Where's our freedom to raise our children without biases being constantly pushed on them? It's down right pathetic to think this has nothing to do with prepping. No wonder Obama won. Some people are to busy buying in to the lies and to cowardly to speak the truth. We lose over and over again because we are divided over moral issues and there is no resolve left in most men to seek purification of truths. "Nothing to do with prepping."  [img]
Maybe you guys ought to make a new rule "no posting topic that aren't 100 percent prepping related."

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #46 on: April 03, 2013, 01:55:45 AM »
~ This one is dedicated to crudos ~

... if that be porn, hetero/homosexuality, multiple partners, pedophilia, zoophilia, exhibitionism, masochism, sadism, transvestism, voyeurism,  necrophilia, or any other inner desire that generates pleasure...

I don't know whether to be disgusted or impressed by your vast knowledge of sexual perversity...  So I guess I'll just leave it at this:

The Devils Rejects Chicken Fucker High Quality
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 03:19:13 AM by special-k »
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #47 on: April 03, 2013, 09:31:22 AM »
Man.  This thread just won't die.  WW I won't even bother responding to your "pathetic" comment in the hopes that this thread will finally find it's way to it's grave at some point.  You can think that I have a pathetic point of view for not agreeing with you if you so choose.  It's all good and doesn't matter to me.

Special K -  Thank you for reminding me of that video clip.  I'm making a mental note to keep in mind after the collapse, " When bartering for chickens, examine them very carefully to avoid cooking up a sexually abused chicken."

To get this thread back into the theme of the forum.  Perhaps someone could list items that gays are adverse to that could be carried in a bug out bag to ward them off if they are indeed going to be that prevalent on the road.  From what I've seen, most of them are adverse to getting grease on their hands.  Perhaps a grease gun in your BOB would come in handy in driving the hordes of them away.  Who knows, in their panicked state of mind, after being deprived of food, water, and medication for an extended time.  They may start having delusions that the rest of us look like chickens.   

« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 09:58:03 AM by sledge »

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco


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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #48 on: April 03, 2013, 10:26:16 AM »
I originated this thread, and wish I hadn't. I'm ready to see it die as much as the next guy. After seeing some of the categories for postings, like "General Off Topic" , Mass Media, Trench Humor" for examples, I didn't know they all had to be Prep related. After reading the description for "Politics", I thought this category would be the place to post something that has been on every news media outlet constantly in the recent past. I guess I was mistaken. While some are okay with the subject, and others are disgusted with it, it was thought provoking. Like I said, I'm ready to see the thread die as much as the next guy, along with other threads ( can't name them right off the bat ) that are dumb as Hell, yet keep going and going and going................ Have a good day!

Offline sledge

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Re: Starbuck's Marriage View
« Reply #49 on: April 03, 2013, 10:39:54 AM »
I originated this thread, and wish I hadn't. I'm ready to see it die as much as the next guy. After seeing some of the categories for postings, like "General Off Topic" , Mass Media, Trench Humor" for examples, I didn't know they all had to be Prep related. After reading the description for "Politics", I thought this category would be the place to post something that has been on every news media outlet constantly in the recent past. I guess I was mistaken. While some are okay with the subject, and others are disgusted with it, it was thought provoking. Like I said, I'm ready to see the thread die as much as the next guy, along with other threads ( can't name them right off the bat ) that are dumb as Hell, yet keep going and going and going................ Have a good day!

HJ, I don't see anything wrong with posting the article in the way that you did.  It is thought provoking.  My issue is with those that feel that they are ever going to change someone else's mind on the topic.   So they keep arguing a position over and over like it was going to have any effect at all, or that it's their Godly mission to do so in order to save the country.   Their passion is impressive, but please, enough is enough when it's the same thing over and over.

If I offended you in any way I apologize, that was not my intent.  I've posted my share of the dumb threads that you mentioned.  This one looks like it came from the mind of Einstein in comparison to some of them.     

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco