Walker I pretty much understand exactly what it means. The Bible doesn't say not to judge in a righteous manner. And plenty of people do, feeling they are righteous, whether they are in fact or not. It also says Judge not lest you be judged. Which means, if you choose to judge others expect to be judged yourself. It's a personal choice to cast the first stone. I make my choices as do everyone else. We will all answer for them accordingly. We can hope to hear words of praise from our creator at the final judgement. But I suspect many will not hear what they were banking on.
Whether someone else turns permissive is none of my business. That is between them and their God or conscience. The fact that someone else develops permissiveness has no effect on my morals or anyone else's unless we choose to let it. It is a personal choice, that free will thing.
If their thoughts or permissiveness has no effect on me then I choose not to take God's place in judging them. I may have opinions and a strong personal disagreement with their actions. But it's not my place to be their final judge. Nor to change their view. If what they do presents a danger to me or mine, then I will no doubt be their final judge. That is a personal choice I would make and no doubt answer for when my time to be judged arrives.
We each decide what the important issues are for ourselves, and each can be different. I do not expect for issues important to me to be the same for you, nor should you for me. We are each individuals, not clones.