Author Topic: Stanley Kurtz: Burn Down the Suburbs  (Read 687 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Stanley Kurtz: Burn Down the Suburbs
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:27:36 PM »
I was watching Fox & Friends this AM and they had Stanley Kurtz on who just came out with a new book called: Spreading the Wealth - How Obama Is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities.

Below is the first paragraph of a resent article (Aug 1, 2012) he wrote for National Review. The link to the whole article is below...

President Obama is not a fan of America?s suburbs. Indeed, he intends to abolish them. With suburban voters set to be the swing constituency of the 2012 election, the administration?s plans for this segment of the electorate deserve scrutiny. Obama is a longtime supporter of ?regionalism,? the idea that the suburbs should be folded into the cities, merging schools, housing, transportation, and above all taxation. To this end, the president has already put programs in place designed to push the country toward a sweeping social transformation in a possible second term. The goal: income equalization via a massive redistribution of suburban tax money to the cities.
...Stanley Kurtz

This might be the reason behind the three year buildup of DHS and FEMA, e.g. housing, ammo, body bags, etc.

Now for a little politicking here: To Crudos and NOLA's point in another subject line, if you live in a state that is on the fence as to whether it goes Mitt or Barry, think again for whom you vote for. Think about getting out there and not just voting but making sure like minded folks do on Nov. 6.

OH...I challenge you to Google: The New Party Obama. Apparently he was a member of a ultra left wing party in the '90's and early '00's. Here is one link however there are many more. Don't go by what I write check it out for yourself. 
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Offline crudos

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Re: Stanley Kurtz: Burn Down the Suburbs
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 12:59:38 PM »
Now for a little politicking here: To Crudos and NOLA's point in another subject line, if you live in a state that is on the fence as to whether it goes Mitt or Barry, think again for whom you vote for. Think about getting out there and not just voting but making sure like minded folks do on Nov. 6.
I suspect my state (Wisconsin) could very well be a swing state. But I've left the trash that is the GOP behind for the rest of my voting days. As the motto of my state goes, Forward!

I have nothing to good to say about Stanley Kurtz, sorry, blatant propaganda does fly in the household here.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 01:04:45 PM by crudos »

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Stanley Kurtz: Burn Down the Suburbs
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 01:16:12 PM »
 [URL= I hear ya'.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Stanley Kurtz: Burn Down the Suburbs
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 10:11:47 PM »
You know what...WE have become so desentivized to people making these kind of reports; whether they are true or not so nobody does anything.

Please take a few minutes and investigate on your own and then pass onto your friends what you find.
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Offline crudos

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Re: Stanley Kurtz: Burn Down the Suburbs
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 03:53:48 PM »
So I've been looking at the New Party and I really can't find much to lose sleep over, aside from the usual rote, Breitbartian-rage. Looking at Progressive Dane, an active offshoot of the NP near me, and still can't find anything to be upset about. I'm planning on attending some meetings just see for myself.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Stanley Kurtz: Burn Down the Suburbs
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2012, 03:55:52 PM »
Cool Crudos!  [URL=
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