Crookedsights wrote:
Reminds me of ads for some chicken, pizza, ribs and seafood joint. Same beat and everything.
Man O' man I never thought about it; however now that you mention it...
You are right!
Well he's desperate and you know what desperate people do. Five months till the election and a lot of things can happen.
> EU collapse
> US Attacks Iran and the Ruskies cut off natural gas to the EU
> US helps out the rebels in Syria and Ruskies cut off natural gas to the EU
> Unemployment takes another tick up
> Special Prosecuter is named to investigate secret leaks form the White House
> The US $ is down graded again
> The stock market continues to get go down in dribbles and dabs until all confidence is lost and the bears take over and we see a 5,000 point
> I will stop now.