Romney won by points but Obama may have made Romney look like a chump with body language and style. Obama had a "is this chump serious?" grin quite often. He carried himself better. Romney got a little too energetic. Half the people watching this debate hear chinese. They base who won off of body language and short obvious sentances.
Watching some analysis after the debate from The Blaze, they seem to think that Obama's 'body language and style' was lax, unpassionate, and unprepared. Personally, I thought Romney was very confident, articulate, and almost anxious to answer Obama. As it was pointed out on the Blaze, Romney mostly seemed to talk to Obama directly and look him in the eye while Obama seemed to talk to the PBS guy more.
I'm going to go ahead and say Romney is my guy on this one. Atleast he made the point to say government was restricted to what was in the Constitution and Dec of Independence. Granted he then kind of ruined it earlier by pointing out that free markets need regulation to work, atleast his words are a nice illusion while Obama is just telling us that he is a socialist.