Author Topic: ?Progressive? icon's view refutes modern 'monopoly of violence' advocates  (Read 428 times)

Offline EJR914

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"The concept of a 'monopoly on force' might sound foreign or even frightening to Americans that take great pride in our revolutionary beginnings," Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Executive Director Josh Horwitz wrote in a Huffington Post citizen disarmament advocacy piece, "but it is the fundamental organizing principle of any political entity, including the United States."

?To back up this assertion,? I explained in a GUNS Magazine Rights Watch column, ?he cites, ?German political economist and sociologist Max Weber.?"

?What he doesn't cite,? I elaborated, ?is Weber's support for approving Article 48 into the Weimar constitution, establishing "emergency powers" to bypass Reichstag consent, and allowing Adolf Hitler's rise to unchallenged power. Not to mention the attainment of a ?monopoly of force,? although Weber preferred the term ?violence.?"

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