Author Topic: Poll: 29% of Registered Voters Believe Armed Revolution Might Be Necessary in Ne  (Read 482 times)

Offline Deathstyle

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Got this from Ben Swann who found it on the drudge report

Poll: 29% of Registered Voters Believe Armed Revolution Might Be Necessary in Next Few Years

Twenty-nine percent of registered voters think that an armed revolution might be necessary in the next few years in order to protect liberties, according to a Public Mind poll by Fairleigh Dickinson University.
The poll, which surveyed 863 registered voters and had a margin of error of +/-3.4, focused on both gun control and the possibility of a need for an armed revolution in the United States to protect liberty.
The survey asked whether respondents agreed, disagreed, neither agreed nor disagreed or did not know or refused to respond to the statement: "In the next few years, an armed revolution might be necessary in order to protect our liberties"
Twenty-nine percent said they agreed, 47 percent said they disagreed, 18 percent said they neither agreed nor disagreed, 5 percent said they were unsure, and 1 percent refused to respond.
Results of the poll show that those who believe a revolution might be necessary differ greatly along party lines:
 ? 18 percent of Democrats
 ? 27 percent of Independents
 ? 44 percent of Republicans
The poll found that 38 percent of Americans who believe a revolution might be necessary support additional gun control legislation compared to 62 percent of those who don't think an armed revolt will be needed.
Dan Cassino, a professor of political science at Fairleigh Dickinson and analyst for the poll, says:
"The differences in views of gun legislation are really a function of differences in what people believe guns are for.  If you truly believe an armed revolution is possible in the near future, you need weapons and you're going to be wary about government efforts to take them away."
The poll was conducted nationally between April 22 and April 28, 2013.
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Offline Kentactic

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Im curious what exactly those on the left who believe an armed revolution may be in our future think it will be over and how they will be armed if they dont even own guns.

I think its possible they imagine the government fighting for them.
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Offline Reaver

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  • I just want it to start already
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Offline WhiteWolfReloaded

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The story's up on Fox now. I'm kind of surprised the percentage is that large. Then again it does seem like a foregone conclusion. The only thing that worries me about that 29% is that I'm sure it's growing and I wonder what their world views are. Are they the indoctrinated souls that will bring about the fruition of the American Communist Party's dreams, or are they the God fearing patriots who've inherited the spirit of our founding ancestors? Time will tell.

Offline Currahee

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Anybody see this?

I don't much go in for polls that have less than 1000 subjects, but this is indicative of the state of our once great nation. I could make a long list of indicators of such things that support the intiuitive nature of this poll's findings.

Wave in in front of the non-prepping firneds (that are otherwise good folks)... it's time to step EVERYTHING up.  Let's discuss things we have done recently and ways we can do more.

Merged. ~ s-k
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 04:23:49 PM by special-k »
Every citizen should be a soldier.  This was the case for the Greeks and Romans ans must be that of every free state. - T Jefferson

Offline WhiteWolfReloaded

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I don't think you're being an alarmist though in the least.

Merged & edited for continuity. ~ s-k
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 04:26:23 PM by special-k »

Offline Deathstyle

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Anyone old enough happen to remember if any polls had similar findings in the 90's following Ruby Ridge or Waco?
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Offline sledge

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I suspect there won't ever be a rebellion or civil war.  The controlling powers that want to see a totally socialist police state are working diligently to electronically monitor the public, as well as,  libel and disarm any of the populace that oppose them politically.

The Communist Manifesto is almost completed today.  The indoctrination in the educational system of the past decades is bearing fruit.  The total purposeful neglect of the illegal immigration issue is coming to full bloom. 

They will get citizens guns one way or the other.  I'm sure they would like to before the economy goes into full tilt.  Which is with a doubt a forgone conclusion. The only thing that would stop the inevitable and result in civil war is if a portion of the states endeavor to leave the union.  I can see that possibly happening at some point.   

Merged & edited for continuity. ~ s-k
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 07:42:04 PM by special-k »

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline Currahee

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A little better polling validity here, about 50% of Americans view the gove4rnment as a threat to their freedom

Thanks to homever moved my post, my bad for not seeing that it was already being discussed.
Every citizen should be a soldier.  This was the case for the Greeks and Romans ans must be that of every free state. - T Jefferson