Author Topic: Police Officers tried in the beating death of mentally ill man.  (Read 408 times)

Offline thatGuy

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Fullerton Police beat and taser 'gentle' mentally-ill homeless man to death

Just saw this on, I had seen the video some time ago and I couldn't help but think how chicken shit the crowd of people who witnessed this were. They stood idly by while this man screamed for his father (who wasn't there) to come help him. What is happening to this country?

Two Fullerton, Calif., police officers will be tried in the death of a mentally ill homeless man whose apparent beating by police was captured on video, a judge ruled today.
Officer Manuel Ramos, 38, and Cpl. Jay Cicinelli, 40, are charged in the death of Kelly Thomas, 37 -- Ramos with second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter, and Cicinelli with involuntary manslaughter and assault or battery by a public officer, according to The Associated Press. Both have pleaded not guilty.
Attorneys for the officers have questioned whether medical treatment, not the actual beating, could have resulted in Thomas' death.
"The grainy-but-gripping video of a homeless man being beaten to death was the key evidence in the prosecution's successful effort to convince the court to force a police officer to stand trial for murder in the second degree," said Royal Oakes, an ABC News legal analyst, according to ABC News Radio.
"The video of the beating conjured up memories of the Rodney King police beating of two decades ago," Oakes said. "The videotaped evidence will no doubt be the centerpiece of the D.A.'s case in the upcoming murder trial, where one officer could be facing 15 years-to-life behind bars."
The July 5, 2011, surveillance video, taken from a publicly mounted camera, coupled with an audio recording device worn by an officer, stunned a packed courtroom of Thomas' supporters when it was shown for the first time Monday.
"I can't breathe man," and, "sorry," Thomas could be heard telling officers as he allegedly endured punches to his left ribs and blows to his face from an officer's knee.
Thomas, who is reportedly schizophrenic, repeatedly cried out for his father.

He was also Tasered three times with the stun gun applied directly to his skin for five-second periods. He was hit a fourth time with two darts connected to the gun by wires, according to the Orange County District Attorney's office. The entire time he could be heard screaming in agony.
The apparent beating lasted nine minutes and 40 seconds and ended with Thomas' limp body in handcuffs.
Thomas was transported to St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, Calif., for intubation to help him breathe. He never regained consciousness.
Five days later, Thomas died. The coroner's office ruled the death a homicide.

"You have 1,500 pounds of trained cop on my one little son, but they have to bring this out like they were just so overpowered by this brute to make themselves look innocent and that they're the victims," Ron Thomas, the victim's father, said outside of court Monday.
The officers had responded to the Fullerton Transportation Center after receiving a call that a homeless man was seen looking into car windows and pulling on door handles.
Six officers arrived at the scene for back-up, but the district attorney determined that there was only enough evidence to charge Ramos and Cicinelli in Thomas' death.
The video began with Ramos approaching Thomas and asking him to sit with his legs and hands in front of him. Thomas had trouble complying with the order and appeared to have cognitive difficulties, according to the D.A.'s office.
Fed up, Ramos made fists and asked Thomas if he saw them. Thomas replied that he did.
"They're getting ready to f--- you up," Ramos told him.

When a shirtless Thomas, who had earlier forgotten his name and said he didn't speak English, stood up, Ramos and his partner were shown swinging at him with their batons.
Thomas took off and was tackled, setting off the nearly 10-minute beating that allegedly led to his death.
Ramos is a 10-year veteran of the Fullerton Police, while Cicinelli has been an officer in Fullerton for 12 years.
The video ended with paramedics carrying Thomas' body to an ambulance, revealing a large blood stain on the spot where the altercation took place.
"We ran out of options so I got the end of my Taser and I probably ... I just start smashing his face to hell," Cicinelli said at the end of the July 5 video, according to the transcript provided by prosecutors to the Associated Press. "He was on something, 'cause the three of us couldn't even control him."
Thomas had no illicit drugs or alcohol in him at the time of the incident, according to the toxicology report.
If convicted, Cicinelli could face a maximum sentence of four years in prison and Ramos could be sentenced to life in prison.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 12:14:54 AM by thatguy »

Offline thatGuy

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Re: Police Officers tried in the beating death of mentally ill man.
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2012, 12:18:32 AM »
The woman says "they tazed him like five times already, thats enough" but did she have the nerve to do something?

Those people are just as guilty as the police in my book.

Fucking discusting.

Offline sledge

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Re: Police Officers tried in the beating death of mentally ill man.
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2012, 12:35:53 AM »
This is the reason cops are over sensitive to having video taken of them.  A good cop wouldn't care just like an innocent citizen wouldn't care.  Only criminals and Nazi's with badges care if their on video.

I hope these two get the maximum.  I remember when this first occurred the department said they were justified in their use of force.  Then they had an "oh shit" moment.  They knew they were in the shit when they found out they had killed a retired cops son and there was video.


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Offline EJR914

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Re: Police Officers tried in the beating death of mentally ill man.
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2012, 10:22:17 AM »
You're right man, and it happens more often in America than we would like.  Quite a few incidents just like this have happened in my home state of Georgia, but unfortunately there was no internet video to go along with it.  I'm talking about beating a mentally retarded person who was sitting on the curb on a corner, because they assumed him drunk and high, I'm not kidding.  Something similar also happened in South Georgia.  Those are just the ones you're hearing about, I'm sure some are never heard of or are well covered up.

I also agree that this is OUR fault, its our fault, because if people witness something like this, they are too chickenshit and worried about getting involved with the police and getting tased, shot, or just simply arrested for speaking out and saying something.  Not even getting physically invovled.

People are so pussy whipped by the COPS that they won't even SAY something to them while they are doing these beatings, tazings, and killings.  That's how pussy we've become.

If I saw something blatantly happening like this right in front of me, I would video tape yes, but I was also go get involved, I would at least say something, and if I saw something that made me think it might end up in an individuals life being lost or serious injury to the victim, I might even chose to get physically involved, which could lead to a whole host of other legal problems for me, but I just couldn't sit by an idly watch if I saw something blatantly happening that was wrong right in front of me. 

Like if someone is blatantly NOT resisting, and yet they are getting BEATEN on right in front of me, like the back of their head continually getting pounded into the pavement while they are not resisting, its time to put down the camera, let someone else film it if possible, and for you to get physically invovled, if screaming at them doesn't stop them  immediately. 

Its time we get invovled and stop sitting back and letting this happen in our country.  I'm tired of seeing some of these officers, like the ones here in Georgia, do similar things and get away with it scot free with their immunity and police unions and muscle backing them up.  I'm tired of it.  Its time to take our country back.

Just beating a man out in the street, who is not resisting, who has done no crime, all just to get your sick and twisted jollies off is disgusting and none of us should stand for it at all.  Time to stand up, America.  I agree with sledge and TG in this thread so far.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 10:24:24 AM by EJR914 »


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Re: Police Officers tried in the beating death of mentally ill man.
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2012, 12:28:57 PM »
Even if the men in question are convicted, it won't fix the problem. It shouldn't have taken a long, drawn out court process. Innocent until proven guilty? Don't bother, you're already dead.