Author Topic: Perfect Storm of Hype: Politicians, the media and the Hurricane Irene apocalypse  (Read 2017 times)

Offline EJR914

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Perfect Storm of Hype: Politicians, the media and the Hurricane Irene apocalypse that never was

For the television reporter, clad in his red cagoule emblazoned with the CNN logo, it was a dramatic on-air moment, broadcasting live from Long Island, New York during a hurricane that also threatened Manhattan.

?We are in, right, now?the right eye wall, no doubt about that?there you see the surf,? he said breathlessly. ?That tells a story right there.?

Stumbling and apparently buffeted by ferocious gusts, he took shelter next to a building. ?This is our protection from the wind,? he explained. ?It?s been truly remarkable to watch the power of the ocean here.?

The surf may have told a story but so too did the sight behind the reporter of people chatting and ambling along the sea front and just goofing around. There was a man in a t-shirt, a woman waving her arms and then walking backwards. Then someone on a bicycle glided past.

But don't worry, Obama commands the seas not to rise and Irene sputters out!

Obama takes charge at hurricane command center

US President Barack Obama warned the US east coast was in for a "long 72 hours" as he led his government's response to Hurricane Irene at a disaster command center in Washington.

Obama on Saturday chaired a meeting at the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) set up at the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) headquarters in Washington, which is marshaling federal and local hurricane-relief efforts.

"This is going to be a tough slog getting through this thing," Obama said during a video teleconference including senior federal officials and local government agencies in the east coast path of Irene.


southern patriot

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Now a days its like watching jersey shore when it comes to politics...
Both are funny and worthless!

Offline JohnyMac

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Do I think that the storm was too hyped up...Yupper.

With that said though, it was not hyped up for the folks along the Jersey shore and up the Hudson and Connecticut Valley. Those folks got SOCKED!
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.


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  Like most things it was for the most part over hyped, but would you want it to be under hyped? With this I get it, the Northeast doesn't usually get pounded by hurricanes like the gulf. So naturally it's going to get more attention. But God if I have to go through another "Snowmagedon" episode this winter... [img]http://www.smileydesign.n It snows people you had a weeks warning.