Author Topic: Ottawa?s Police Chief Resigns Amid Truck Protest In Canada  (Read 203 times)

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Ottawa?s Police Chief Resigns Amid Truck Protest In Canada
« on: February 15, 2022, 02:32:30 PM »
Things are not going well for Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau today. It has just been reported that Ottawa, Ontario, police chief, Peter Sloly, resigned "amid criticism of his inaction against the trucker protests that".

To add to this development, Ottawa Police are calling out sick as Trudeau?s coalition shows signs of crumbling.

The National Telegraph has just gotten word from a source inside the Ottawa Police that one of their staff sergeants has resigned from his position today, likely over a disagreement with the city?s policing philosophy towards the Freedom convoy. 

This is a major development for the Ottawa police as senior NCOs are the core of any police force and enforcing anything without their leadership is extremely difficult.

The source also said that there are unusually high rates of uniformed officers taking stress leave, vacation days, and sick days. 

This is another indicator that people inside the police force are not happy with the directions they are receiving from their political leaders.
- The National Telegraph

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