I don't know about your particular State, but if you pay close attention to the ELECTORAL COLLEGE, and the way that State DELEGATES chose who is nominated for election, you realize that for the presidential election, your vote counts VERY LITTLE.
Right now, I live in a State that will 100 percent guaranteed go to Mittens NO matter who in the hell was running against him, and no matter what in the hell I do on election day. You know what that does to me, IT FREES ME UP TO VOTE MY PRINCIPLE. And you know what, it matters not one fucking unicorn fart WHO I VOTE FOR, or if I stay home that day watch porn and drink myself stupid, MITTENS WILL BE ELECTED IN MY HOME STATE.
I will vote my principle, Mittens will still get my State's Electoral College votes, and I can lay my head on the pillow at night with a CLEAR CONSCIENCE, and I will sleep just fucking fine at night. I literally could not live with myself for voting for scum like Mitt or Obama, and to be honest, I question how many of you could. I would rather put a bullet through my fucking head right now, than to vote for scum like Mitt Romney. Since it matters not what I do on election day, I will vote my principle.
First off, study the electoral process for the president of the US, so you're not ignorant about HOW the president is elected. The Electoral College elects the president of the US in this country, NOT POPULAR VOTE, YOUR VOTE DOESN'T count, when it comes to electing a president. The only thing that matters are the State delegate votes that put up a nominee from your State, and then finally the Electoral College votes FROM YOUR STATE.
Secondly, find out which way YOUR State usually goes, look at past voting history, and demographics, besides maybe Hispanic, have probably NOT changed enough to make your State go the other way. I don't know about you, but study your individual State. I KNOW mine will go for Mittens NO matter what the fuck I do on election day. My vote basically counts NONE. Its really just a protest vote, and a vote for principle, a vote for conscience, so I can sleep soundly at night, and not put a bullet through my head. I REFUSE to vote for Fascist, Socialist, Polite State enablers like Romney or Obama. I am an Irreconcilable! You'd have to kill me to change my mind on this.
I can also tell my grandchildren one day, that I never voted for scum like the likes of Obama or Mittens, but that I voted for principle, I voted MY conscience, I voted for true freedom, Freedom the Founding Fathers believed in, freedom both socially and economically, instead of voting for some asshole who is going to do NOTHING but continue our country down the same road to a Socialist Police State, like we've been doing for the past 150 years in this country.
Will you be able to tell your grandchildren that?
I'm sorry for the rant, but Jesus, educate yourself on the electoral process, educate yourself on the demographics and politics of your state, if you're in a swing state, you're in a dilemma, but if you're not, VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE, VOTE YOUR PRINCIPLES, because to be honest, your vote matters NOT for the presidential election, who is really elected by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE. And the nominee for your State is voted in by DELEGATES.
What is the definition of INSANITY? Doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different RESULT. By all means, Keep Voting in these Establishment GOP types, and we WILL keep sliding into a Socialist Police State, I can promise you that!
For Fuck sake. [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at
Also, to add to this, the collapse is happening, either sooner or later, and it matters NOT at this point, who is elected president at this time, anyway.
Please stop it with this MINDLESS sheeple insanity that you've had drilled into your head your whole life, that you HAVE to vote for an Establishment GOP, because if you don't the EVIL Democrats will gain office, stack the Supreme Court liberal, and all your rights will be taken away! Hell that happens ever 4 or 8 years ANY FUCKING WAY. Not to mention, about one out of all of our SCJ get it right, EVER on the side of freedom and liberty when it comes to a case. The USSC is ALREADY stacked with a bunch of freedom hating Fascist Socialist, that have allowed our country to get to this point, ANYWAY, not to mention, the USSC arbitrarily granted themselves THE POWER, all by themselves, to steer the direction of our country, something that was never intended in the first place. Do you really think a dirty Fascist Socialist president would appoint a SCJ to the bench that would really tell him that he COULDN'T DO SOMETHING? Fuck NO the president's wouldn't, they keep putting SCJ on the bench that they KNOW will pretty much allow them to do whatever the fuck they want to do, but just enough to keep the people from standing up and rioting in defense of their freedoms and liberties. They have destroyed us through incrementalism, anyway. They know they can get away with just so much without the people standing up and rioting, and the three branches test those bounds every freaking day, and then take public opinion polls to see what will get people rioting. Don't believe me? They figured out they could ram Obamacare down the throats of America and we wouldn't riot in the streets, and guess what they DID it and NOBODY rioted out in the streets. Watch this SC decision on Obamacare, they may knock out the individual mandate, but the rest of the law will be ruled Constitutional, and the majority of the law will STILL be on the books. Watch it. The only reason we got the half-ass Heller decision on the 2nd amendment was to quell the gun nuts in this country from standing up and rioting. What good are your 2nd amendment rights, if they are LEGALLY infringed upon by "reasonable restrictions" in a Fascist Socialist country? They are just about good enough to start a bloody fucking mess one day, 150 years too late, that will just lead to more Fascism and a hard crackdown on everyone.
Think for yourself for once in your fucking life, become self-educated, become an independent thinking, and stop it with this mindless sheeple insanity bullshit, that keeps getting repeated over and over again by our public schools, our media, our politicians, everybody, and then you come repeat this same mindless sheeple insanity bullshit right back to me. FUCK!