
How do you think the US Supreme Court will decide Thursday on Obama Care?

The individual mandate to force US Citizens to purchase insurance will be declared unconstitutional
7 (77.8%)
All of Obama Care will be declared unconstitutional
1 (11.1%)
Obama Care will be declared constitutional and will go forward
0 (0%)
Other? Explain
1 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: June 29, 2012, 10:17:44 AM

Author Topic: Obama Care Vote  (Read 2297 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Obama Care Vote
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:17:44 AM »
Granted, for the most part, we are not constitutional scholars however we are a pretty savvy group. You will not see the results until you vote.  :))

Once you vote I would like to hear your opinion on why you voted as you did.
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2012, 10:55:14 AM »
I voted "other" simply because lately I feel that this government is so unpredictable that I honestly can't make a prediction on what the SCOTUS ruled. It's really kind of a toss-up IMHO.

Honestly though, there's really only two possibilities. I don't think they have the balls to strike down the entire thing, but by striking down the individual mandate alone, they're indirectly striking the entire thing down by gutting the budget out of it. So basically it would just be a mammoth spending bill with absolutely no budget to back it up. I find that one hard to swallow even for this administration.

So IMHO it's going to be all or nothing, but either way, regardless what happens, it's a lose-lose for the American people. If BarryCare is upheld it's a loss (obviously), but even if it's struck down, say hello to millions upon millions of pissed-off welfare whores fueled by the notion that the evil republicans are just trying to keep minorities down. Score 1 for Jim Crow.  [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at

(plus, if it is struck down, it will just be more fuel on the fire for left-wing demagoguery leading up to November. even more intense race-baiting and an increased potential for civil unrest. even if it doesn't happen immediately on Thursday, just you wait until Oct./Nov. If that bill is struck down, that gives them the single biggest race-card in modern history. and they WILL milk it for all it's worth.)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 11:00:15 AM by NOLA556 »
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2012, 11:10:27 AM »
I agree with your comments about the race card. "They" are already beating that drum concerning the contempt vote on Holder tomorrow.
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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2012, 11:42:18 PM »
I've got two words for Obama Care if it passes


Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2012, 12:27:20 AM »
We will be lucky if they throw out the mandate. Our SCOTUS has been helping the statist out in the legislative and executive branch for a very long time, at least a majority of the time with their rulings, I don't think this should be any different. They very rarely have a strict reading of the Constitution, and they almost always find something in the middle, because of this Living Constitution crap, that started with Woodrow Wilson, where he pushed for JUDGES to start to make law, and change the meaning of the Constitution, instead of actually changing the Constitution itself with an Article V amendment process, which is the correct Constitutional way to change the Constitution, instead of judges just making up Law and Precedent anyway that they possibly want to. Literally, the word "up" turns into "down" if a SC Judge says that's what it means. Its complete BS.

It would be great if they rule the mandate unconstitutional, and that made the whole law unconstitutional, but I just honestly don't even know what to think about it, but you can be darn sure I will be reading the rulings from the judges to see what they have to say about it.

I still won't be shocked if they let certain parts of this horrible, government control over a huge percentage of our economy, law, to become law forever.  Its truly a disgusting, statist, and even Socialist law. Even if the mandate gets kicked to the curb. It gives the government more power over our lives in this one law, than I believe any one single law has ever done in the history of this country. Its the largest leap to Authoritarianism and Socialism that I think this country has ever taken at one time.

The funny thing is, that the REPUBLICANS agree with certain parts of this law, such as outlawing and banning insurance from denying on pre-existing conditions and forcing insurance by law to keep kids on their parents insurance longer. DISGUSTING.

INSURANCE is a business, NOT A RIGHT. Forget these Statist, all of them, Democrat and Republican.

Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2012, 01:29:48 AM »
Having the mandate thrown out would be awesome, but if we're still stuck with this insurance private business crushing, and hospital destroying law, this country is seriously in for some hurting. Healthcare, hospitals and medical insurance is a huge part of our economy, now under complete government control. They will only F it up, like they do with everything else.

I just can't wait until all the hospitals have a "Crises" just like Wall Street had a "Crises" in 2008, and they are all "TOO BIG TO FAIL" because they are all bankrupt and then the US government will be there "swoop in" and save us all from the edge of oblivion, then they will go in, take them over, "bail them out," just like GM, with our tax money and dollar destructive inflation from our Federal Reserve plugging in more zeros, and then at that point, healthcare and hospitals will be 100 percent Nationally owned.

Maybe then our government will start telling the hospitals that they will only pay neurosurgeons a forth of what they were making before, and then instead of the best and brightest going into debt, going to med school to serve in Medicine, they will start looking into other fields that are not so heavily controlled by our government, and then we'll get the left overs as doctors. It will be even harder to find a really great doctor, even more than it is already.

Not to mention no longer having medicine on demand as we have it now. The ER and the doctors are going to be even more swamped then they are now. Used to calling up your doctor and making an appointment for a week or a month for something fairly urgent? Well that will be over. Try a six month wait to go in to see your doctor and maybe get a few minutes with him. If this law stands, even without the individual mandate, our medical care in this country is going to go to hell in the matter of a decade or two.

Worst idea ever. Not to mention that the darn bill is so long and so complicated that NOBODY can even understand it, much less try and actually adhere to it. BS!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 01:31:36 AM by EJR914 »

Offline v0dka

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 11:45:25 AM »
I really thought it was going to be struck down. I really haven't been really reading deeply into this when does it take effect.
sic luceat lux

Offline RS762

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2012, 12:48:18 PM »
well fuck

Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2012, 12:52:59 PM »
And you guessed it!  This "Living Constitution" progressive crap, and the whole law is found CONSTITUTIONAL!  Fuck!  Worst day of my adult life so far!

Who even cares if Eric Holder is found in Contempt at this point, this country, our economy, our healthcare system, its all fucked at this point.

This means that the National government can literally, do anything that they want to us, force us to do anything, force companies to do whatever they want, and the fucking SC will find it Constitutional.  We are so fucked in this country. 

Offline NOLA556

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2012, 01:25:57 PM »
 [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at

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Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2012, 02:05:04 PM »
A toatal colapse is starting to look like a good idea. At least then I would have some say in my own life, even if its short and brutal.
Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.

Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2012, 02:57:44 PM »
A toatal colapse is starting to look like a good idea. At least then I would have some say in my own life, even if its short and brutal.

Liberty or Death brother.  Word.

Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2012, 03:09:07 PM »

Thanks for posting man.   [URL=http://www.smileyvault.co

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2012, 04:00:59 PM »
I know my comments will not be popular...what ever.  >:D

The decision by the Supreme Court is actually a rallying cry for all of the Johnson, Paul, Santorum supporters to get involved in Romney's election. If you don't want to campaign for him and or give him money at least concider voting for him in November.

We need to clean out the liberals from both houses of the congress and fire Barry. If we have two houses in congress that think our way that will not be enough as Barry will veto legislation and if he is overuled then go around it. Just look at what happened AZ.

I am going to do something useful to help me work off my frustration due to the SC decision. I am going to a local Tea Party meeting tonight.  [url=http://www.freesmileys.or
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Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2012, 10:05:10 PM »
I know my comments will not be popular...what ever.  >:D

The decision by the Supreme Court is actually a rallying cry for all of the Johnson, Paul, Santorum supporters to get involved in Romney's election. If you don't want to campaign for him and or give him money at least concider voting for him in November.

We need to clean out the liberals from both houses of the congress and fire Barry. If we have two houses in congress that think our way that will not be enough as Barry will veto legislation and if he is overuled then go around it. Just look at what happened AZ.

I am going to do something useful to help me work off my frustration due to the SC decision. I am going to a local Tea Party meeting tonight. 

And then what, JM?  The last few times we've given the Republicans a House or Senate and the White House, they have done NOTHING productive, NOTHING to take this country BACK to its founding principles, which needs to happen for us to be a free country again.  The truth is all those Republicans AGREE with all the Progressive, Authoritarian, Statist laws that are on the books now.  There will be NO great revival of this country and its founding principles under Republican rule.  The only thing that we can hope for to get any freedom at all is to hope and pray for an economic collapse, so that at least I can live under freedom and liberty if only for a very short time before I'm killed or die.  Liberty or DEATH!  Its not just a fucking catch phrase!

Sorry, but fuck all that noise with a rusty knife!

I'd rather live free and DIE quickly than live under the rule of the Statist, Authoritarian, Progressive Republicans.  Fuck them!

The Tea Party is PART OF THE PROBLEM, not the solution, they are fully under the Republican plantation now, no different than the slaves that white men kept on their plantation before the Civil War.  Fuck them!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 10:07:28 PM by EJR914 »

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2012, 11:30:35 PM »
EJR, I sense a wee bit of frustration in your voice tonight.  :))

IMO, since the 2010 Republican take over of the US House the Republicans have done a good job of not being RINO's. If we vetted the House and Senate folks running in Nov. and they were conservative why wouldn't you vote for them? Heck if they were conservative Democrates why wouldn't you vote for them?

I take setbacks like we saw today and try to learn from then. Then use them to build upon. Typically when you do this your foundation is even stronger.

With your feeling that the Tea Party is now an arm of the RINO's, I respectively disagree. There was 17 folks at the Tea Party I attended this evening. One of the ladies was a Democrat who was going to run for town council this year. She was a Constiltutionist and thought what happened today was miss guided. My point is don't label folks as Republican or Democrate vet them out to see how closely their values mirror your own.

I feel that I accomplished something this evening by first talking about building upon this set back. Then facilitating a meeting with 6 folks post the Tea Party meeting on prepping. We didn't talk politics we talked what have you done towards your prep and how can we help each other to get you to the next level.

I did something tonight other then just complain. 

Just some gas to throw on your fire about "The Tea Party is PART OF THE PROBLEM, not the solution,".  :))
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Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2012, 12:12:47 AM »
We are so far apart.  I'm very involved with the LP, thank you very much.  I do a lot, that I don't feel the need to brag about here, or rub in anyone's face.  That's just me.

Offline RS762

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2012, 12:19:49 AM »
Sorry, but fuck all that noise with a rusty knife!

you called?

Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2012, 12:20:06 AM »
Obamacare ruling means November does not matter

By Donald Sensing

...The point I don't see other commentators getting is this: the ruling means that Congress now has unlimited power to tax. Congress now has the power to tax absolutely any activity or inactivity by individuals.

So does the Congress have the authority to make us eat broccoli, as one justice asked the solicitor general during the hearing? Now we know the answer: not eat it, but without question the Congress now enjoys the power to make us buy broccoli, whether we eat it or not. Don't buy it? Pay a special tax.

Congress has the power now to make everyone drive a white car - or pay a special tax if they don't.

And before the Left gets all giddy with elation at this ruling, consider that any Republican Congress will also enjoy - and take advantage of - this power. So yes, that prospective Congress now has the Constitutional power to require every able-bodied, sound of mind adult (male or female) to purchase a firearm and ammunition - or pay a special tax if they don't....


So under this, Republicans could force all American adults to buy a firearm and ammunition, or face a special tax for NOT buying firearms and ammunition?  Interesting.  I promise you this precedent will be used by Republicans as well, in some form or fashion. 

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2012, 12:27:02 AM »
Barnhardt: The First American Republic Is Taking The Long Dirt Nap

...Now to Romney and all of you rah-rah Tea Party people. If you think for ONE SECOND that Romney will ever, ever repeal any of this, then you are truly dumber than the people who voted for Obama in the first place, and I?m not being facetious.

Romney wrote ObamaCare?s template in Massachusetts, including a mandate, including state-funded abortion. Romney has said over and over and over again while running for POTUS that he is 100% in favor of a mandate. Here?s that proof:


Romney is lying to all of you people, swearing that he will repeal ObamaCare, and repeal any mandate. He will do no such thing, and if you think he will, you are absolutely delusional....

« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 12:28:36 AM by EJR914 »

Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2012, 12:27:31 AM »
The State has announced:

    You will do exactly as we tell you in every area of your life. You will work as and when we allow you to work, you will spend what little money we allow you to keep as and when we tell you to spend it, you will say what we tell you to say -- and if you disagree with us about any of this, you will indicate your disagreement as and when we allow you to. In brief: you will follow orders. Please don't be tiresome and petulant, telling us this isn't what you want. We've been systematically approaching this end for well over a century. You can hardly claim this is surprising, not if you wish to avoid ridicule. And you might have stopped these developments much earlier -- if you'd wanted to. You didn't want to.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 12:31:34 AM by EJR914 »

Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2012, 12:33:00 AM »
"Don't mourn. Organize." -- Joe Hill

"Reason will not decide at last; the sword will decide.
The sword: an obsolete instrument of bronze or steel,
       formerly used to kill men, but here
In the sense of a symbol. The sword: that is: the storms
       and counter-storms of general destruction; killing of men,
Destruction of all goods and materials; massacre, more or
       less intentional, of children and women;
Destruction poured down from wings, the air made accomplice,
       the innocent air
Perverted into assasin and poisoner.

"The sword: that is: treachery and cowardice, incredible
       baseness, incredible courage, loyalties, insanities.
The sword: weeping and despair, mass-enslavement,
       mass-torture, frustration of all hopes
That starred man's forhead. Tyranny for freedom, horror for
       happiness, famine for bread, carrion for children.
Reason will not decide at last, the sword will decide."

-- Robinson Jeffers


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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2012, 12:33:53 AM »

Offline EJR914

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2012, 01:59:05 AM »

After the Supreme Court decision was announced yesterday morning, I wondered aloud to a friend by what devices the mainstream conservatives would go on pretending that America as a constitutional republic of limited powers still exists, and that conservatism as allegiance to that republic still exists.

It didn?t take long before I got an answer. Incredibly, the mainstream conservatives are claiming that the decision is a victory for conservatism.

Dov Fischer at American Thinker writes:

    Chief Justice John Roberts has handed a remarkable victory to American conservatives by threading the judicial needle with perfect precision. The initial disappointment collectively felt by Americans who had hoped for a Supreme Court ruling that would overturn Obamacare soon will be replaced, upon further reflection, by the excitement that will come with a fuller appreciation of what the Chief Justice has wrought.


Many examples at the link above.  I think its fairly certain to say that we're screwed at this point.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Obama Care Vote
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2012, 08:31:02 AM »
Please EJR I am not picking on you with these comments and or questions. If I didn't respect you I wouldn't take the time to write these paragraphs.

It is apparent to me that you are very bummed with the latest decision of the SC - I am too. Personally I think it is a miscarriage of our Constitution; However it is what it is and people will react differently as people do when their is a death of a friend or a relative.

I think we need to get out our old Tea Party flags and hats and help to drum up support for our candidates. Both local and state as well as nationally. It is a way for me to work through my disappointment.

EJR, what do you propose we do? What are you going to do? I am interested in your perspective. Thanks.
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