Absolutely correct, however the flip side of central planing from afar is just as myopic due to the opponent faced.
Meaning that because of the .gov's ability to track down any leadership would stomp out the fire before it could catch? Without a vision and a leader(s) to direct can you obtain anything larger than small unit anarchy?
I'm no history buff but I don't know of any freedom fighters that won their fight without leadership and usually the support of an already existing .mil regime that joined their cause in a coup.
Use the template provided by oathkeepers with the option to fit it to your communities situation and available qualified people (proper and irregular cell structure presents more problems for counter intelligence and infiltration).
Does anyone believe that there is a substantial number of "freedom fighter cells" in America today? OathKeepers is a "big name" in this area and they are only 30K strong?
Are we really suppose to believe there are or will be a substantial number of people willing to fight an insurgence against the .mil to restore the Constitution to America? I just don't see it. If there are millions of secret guerrilla fighters hiding in the woods, what are they waiting for? The frog is boiling to death already. Without the .mil or local LEOs (largest standing army in the states) stepping up for the rights of their citizens, there is really no chance of rag-tag group of patriots organizing. That's where OK's idea of integrating with the local LEO is a good idea I feel.
I would like to see a quieter and more clandestine element presented as well. Leaders must be chosen with great care and an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the irregular troops we are talking about (inflexible, authoritah, and those used to the unquestioning carrying out of orders will not work with this kind of American guerrilla force like it or not).
I don't understand your point here. Please clarify.
The oathkeepers idea has merit if it is implemented with an understanding of the security danger of any kind of contact with any significant area leadership for obvious reasons (one more related piece I strongly disagree with is the idea of some of the entire group as a locally politically active part due to the ease of identification of associates, the local political arm should be unaware of ANY fighter and direct support types in the group).
Unless you have been off grid for the past 10 years, you are easily found and already identified.
One and only one piece of dogma should be endorsed (and in all probability will not) Work at your groups level and abilities to the goal of meeting at the other side then fine adjusting the course we set out on securely amongst friends when the enemy has been defeated.
Other side of what? What's the goal if there is no leadership outside of local groups? Other side of the revolt?
The rivalry and constitutional dick measuring can wait. Until our community gets this solidly in our heads we have a serious problem.
Again, I don't understand the reference.