My like minded friends fall into two camps.
Camp One
These are the 'boomers' who believe that even though it is slow, "vote the bastards out" and electin the next group of bastards. This group has two sub groups. One group votes then goes back to putting your head in the sand till the next election. The next sub group are involved. They write letters, work on petitions, run for local office, own small on line magazines, etc.
Camp Two
This group is made up of 'Millennials'. Many are former and current military. This group blames the Boomer and Gen X group for what is happening today. They especially dislike the the sub group of boomers who think they can vote themselves out of an issue. The Millennials come in both political thoughts - Left and Right. They tend to be the group that will support a kinetic exchange. I am not saying that they are wrong just pointing out the differences.
It should be interesting to watch where the O'Biden and Global totalitarianism goes. I believe the Millennials will be the group that fires the next shot heard around the world. We will form up around which ever politician persuasion is palatable and join in the fight.