I know in Georgia, Newt should have his day, but my ballot will be for RP. I know it looks bleak at this point, must we all must make the right choice in our own minds. Since I still young, it still feels good to know my voice is heard and accounted for within the system. I always walk away with a sense of pride and dignity, knowing that in so many other places, what I did today would not be possible. People should vote, and more importantly, they should know why they voted for who they did. I can attest to many who don't or simply won't, but that is there choice. I know many who refuse to vote because they believe the system is already rigged, which may be true, but if its rigged, you can't complain, because you were not willing to possibly change that with your vote. I prefer the peaceful protest for now, and its the most efficient way of protest. VOTE! [url=http://www.freesmileys.or