Author Topic: NCScout at Brushbeater Nails it  (Read 1175 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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NCScout at Brushbeater Nails it
« on: October 31, 2017, 09:23:01 AM »
I always enjoy what NCScout blogs about and below is the beginning of a new blog he posted today.

"Wild times we’re living in. And a lot of uncertainty coupled with real reasons to prepare. A big part of that is being well informed. There’s good stuff out there and a lot of well meaning people, and then again there’s a lot of throwback fear mongers and blatant disinformation that people should really know better than to pay attention to. Don’t believe most of what you read and only about half of what you see. Pretty good rule, right? One of the reasons I started this blog, all the way back to the beginning, was to point out some simple codified ways for Right-leaning folks to a) collect & verify information and b) share it sans-grid. In fact one of the first things I wrote was how to do so for Sparks31’s old blog [a re-run of that post can be found here] So naturally, as its gained attention over the past couple of years, things come across my desk that inspired the whole reason for me to begin writing in the first place. Case in point:


Objection #1: I thought we were past the ‘UN troops hidden in the cave’ meme but I suppose not. In years past, every summer there’d be rumors of a UN takeover replete with EVIDENCE! of such through pictures of Reserve or National Guard units going to Annual Training events. These were spread by the usual suspects and spread far and wide on a lot of ‘constitutional militia’ outlets, who are far better at damaging their credibility than a government ever could. They’re not driving through the woods to get to the training sites, folks. Part of the reason Eisenhower commissioned the US’ version of the autobahn, the interstate system, is for efficient movement of military equipment. They have unit numbers painted on the front and rear bumpers and every Unit has a web page and social media presence. A little research, after you construct a good SALUTE report, just might go a long way..."

To read the whole article go here

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Offline Kbop

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Re: NCScout at Brushbeater Nails it
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2017, 07:59:10 PM »
interesting read, thanks for linking it.