Author Topic: My Long Logical Explanation of Welfare, even SS.  (Read 640 times)

Offline EJR914

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My Long Logical Explanation of Welfare, even SS.
« on: November 05, 2011, 04:25:59 AM »
But not limited to SS, I'm talking about all government welfare programs, and the way our country pays for them.

Let's just look at Social Security through an individual logical, and debatable, reasonable viewpoint. (As we all know, reason is in the eye of the beholder) So not from a Collective standpoint, such as FDR was, the man who signed SS into law. Really, the original American big collectivist president. Of course, we also have Woodrow Wilson to thank as well, he's really the grandfather of collectivism in America. We also have seen what collectivism has given us in recent history. Look at what it has done in other countries in the past decades.

So, let's look at this from an individual standpoint, not a collective standpoint. I get up every morning and I bust my ass at work everyday, so that I have a tiny bit of money to feed myself, feed my family, and pay my very minimal bills, because I'm frugal. In each second, numbered heartbeat, I work really hard to make sure that my managers above me stay happy, so I don't get fussed at, but also so I bring value to the company and make sure that the owner also gets a nice hefty profit from the company that she runs, I keep my job, the government comes in and forces me to pay a Social Security Tax. It may be hard for some to realize this, but Social Security is not an individual retirement expenditure for myself, it is a tax. That money can go to pay for anything, it is not used to pay anyone's retirement money, it is used to pay the national debt, which that debt, is then used to pay social security retirees. I can go into that further if anybody needs and explanation. So yes, that's at the barrel of a gun, as ("Government is not reason, it is not eloquence ? it is force." -George Washington) and if I choose to withhold this tax and not pay it, eventually a government agent with a gun is going to come to my door, and take away my liberty and throw me in prison, something that is probably worst than death to a free man. If I fight with the man who is taking my to prison, including meeting the same exact force being applied with force, I will be killed. So yes, that tax is taken from me at the barrel of a gun, eventually.

Remember, our government can only do two things, it has the power to tax and it has the power to use force against those that break the law. Both of them are becoming incredibly difficult to avoid. Remember, (?The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.?-Ayn Rand) and that is exactly what our government has done.

The way our government is running our Social Security system is that the tax that I pay, is not going directly into my account for me to have reimbursed to me later, neither is it being directly used to pay a retiree, no, it is directly being used to pay the Interest on our debt, that we owe to foreign lenders or now to the Federal Reserve, so that they can continue to pay the current retirees their Social Security payments with that debt.

I want you to wrap your head around the last paragraph that I just wrote. The Taxes that I am paying right now, that are listed for Social Security, are not even going to PAY the current retirees. No, that money that I pay at the barrel of a gun, isn't going to pay some Retirees, Social Security, which he probably thinks is HIS money that he actually paid in, no, it doesn't even go for that, it goes to pay off the National debt, because Social Security does not pay for itself, the National debt pays for Social Security, and the taxes that I work so hard for to pay actually go to pay of the INTEREST on our National debt. That 54 Trillion total National Debt that our government chooses to run itself under.

Just read the past two paragraphs and try to wrap your head around it. The entire financial system that our country runs itself under is FUBAR and completely convoluted.

Now its example time.

So let's say that you have an amazing heart, you're incredibly passionate and caring, and you decide that you want to help out everyone financially that you meet for their retirement. You set up a system in which you tell people that they will eventually get a tiny fraction of the money that they give you, back, once you reach a certain older age in the spectrum of human life expectancy. You don't have the money to do this yourself, and the system will not pay for itself, so you will have to use your credit to do it, so you're going to go into debt. Since you have a huge heart, you want to not only set this system up, but you also want to actually give some people money, even though they never paid a dime into your system, because they did not and do not create any income at all, at the financial detriment of those that do pay into your system, and you're going to have to pay the people that do pay into the system less total then what they did pay in, so you can fund everyone's retirement. You find out that this system will not sustain itself financially, so you're going to have to go to the bank, and ask for a loan to make this system work. Then you start to pay the interest on this debt, with the money that you are receiving from those who do want to pay into your system. If some people decide that they don't want to pay into your system, because they think they can invest their own money, that they received through their own energies, better than I can, I go over to their house, with a gun, commit aggravated assault, restrain them, kidnap them, and then put them into a cell with guy who is going to rape you whenever he feels like it for say 20 years. If you resist with the exact level of force that is being presented in front of you, a gun, then I will just simply kill them. The second option being the better option out of the two I would say, especially for a free man. Then after you kill them or have them raped everyday, you say that you were only trying to help everyone out, and by helping everyone out, you justify the killing or raping of a few.

Since nobody wants to get put into a pound me in the rear cell for 20 years, or end up shot dead, almost everyone decides to get into my system, including those that do not create any income on their own and add money into the system, the system grows and grows. Eventually almost the entire population decides to get into the system. I mean who wouldn't want to get paid once you reach a certain age, after doing exactly no work at all. Seems like "free money" to them, even though the sweat and labor of some man or women paid the debt for that money. Once more and more people realize that they can just get "free money" and never put into the system at all, they start to say, well why should I work at all, if I'm going to get this "free money" one day. Didn't we just reach the 51% of the population pays no income tax this past year? Sound familiar? Eventually, you have to keep going back and back to the bank for more loans and more loans, and eventually, the debt gets so huge and the interest payment gets so massive on the debt, that the money that you are taking in, stops even paying for the interest of the debt, and the bank stops loaning you money to fund your system, and when you can't pay the interest anymore, your credit rating and score go down. You find a few loan sharks that will loan you more money but at a higher rate, and eventually you can't pay the interest on the debt to those guys, either. The system fails. Everyone stop loaning you the money because your credit is so bad, and they know you cannot pay back the interest on your perpetual debt. Now what of all the people that want their money out of the system that they received money from, whether they paid into it or not? Especially, those that feel they are entitled to the money, either by just breathing, or actually paid into it? Do you think they might come looking for you while very angry and upset?

Could you imagine running your household like this? Well this is how our entire country runs its finances, from the Section 8 housing, and the everyone deserves a home because they are breathing crowd, which caused the collapse of 2008, which we are still reeling from, to the food stamps, to the buy whatever you want on our debt dime crowd, to the free cell phone or home phone service crowd, to the subsidized power, gas, and water bill crowd, to the cash for clunkers crowd, to the absolutely free or subsidized healthcare crowd, to the free or subsidized education crowd, ect, ect, ect, I could continue to list all the welfare schemes that our government has cooked up, but you get the idea. Just like Social Security, "free _____ is a right that I deserve just because I am breathing." I could care less how its paid for, as long as I get it just for breathing, just for existing.

If you cannot see the absurdity of the way that our country gets income to fund all their welfare schemes, I'm not sure I can help you any further.

Would you run your household like this? Is any of this Morally Justifiably?

How about if I just replaced that past few paragraphs with I really want a brand new dream car, let's say the Bugatti Veyron Super Sports ($2,400,000), or the ______, (you fill it in with your personal dream car) or any other item you want, let's say your dream rifle for instance, but I don't want to pay for it, so I'm going to use my credit and go into debt, then I'm going to make everyone around me, pay me money, so that I can pay the interest to the debt on my car (something I want), but never pay it off, and if they don't pay me, I go over to their house, with a gun, commit aggravated assault, restrain them, kidnap them, and then put them into a cell with guy who is going to rape you whenever he feels like it for say 20 years. If you resist with the exact level of force that is being presented in front of you, a gun, then I will just simply kill you. This car eventually gets old to me, so I go out and buy the next dream car, I go into more debt using my credit, and have to go into further debt, paying higher interest rates, and take more and more from everyone else, to pay the interest on this debt. I continue to do this as long as I can, as long as the banks loan me the money. The banks continue to give me higher and higher interest rates, and they don't think I will be able to get more and more money from you. I have to then take more and more money from you to continue and also to pay the higher interest rates. Its perpetual debt and perpetually higher interest rates. If you think the amount I take from you is too, much, I throw you in jail with a rapist or kill you if you resist.

Would you run your household like this? Is this even remotely morally justifiable, especially when you think that those people are generating that money with their own energies, energy and hard work that is their own, they own it, and have the free will to do whatever they want with it?

Please explain to me how that is morally justifiable....

Sure this is a simplistic way to look at it, because we have an international banking cartel central bank, the Federal Reserve, that is always able to buy its own debt, (Can you do that? Go into debt, and then just buy the debt making it completely almost disappear, making the dollars that you owe almost worthless through inflation?) An entity that is not a government entity, that can simply hit a button and create more money, more dollars. Also, there is bankruptcy which means you cannot use your credit or go into debt for 7 years. Also, there are more things that are left out as well, but are really too much for the discussion at hand, but you get the gist of it right?

Please, tell me how this is morally justifiable. Any of it. Please.

Also, is this how you run your house? Would you run your household in such an absurd and convoluted way?

Its what our government does EVERY day. Our politicians have given us this system, and it all started with the unlimited credit of a central bank.

I won't even go into the corruption between our government and big business in this country right now and for quite some time, its for another discussion entirely. It still pales in disgust, at least to me, to how our current welfare systems works under our government.

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. I'll be interested to hear the answers to how all this is morally justifiable, and if you would run your household in this way.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 04:35:54 AM by EJR914 »

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: My Long Logical Explanation of Welfare, even SS.
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 10:59:48 AM »
 [URL= [URL=
Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.