Well, I really got pissed off when the BS reason was announced by the Police. If the Police had thought they were being set up for an ambush, they would have said it immediately. They also would have called for backup if they felt that they were in danger. They kept the driver quiet until they could generate a cover story. How come the real truth that she was talking to the driver when the Somali cop who just happened to have his pistol in his lap decided to shoot her. I know enough to know that Police are trained to keep their gun in their holster until they need to remove it. When removed, it is to be in their hand, not laying on their lap. This is going to be a cover up and they are going to get away with it. I hope somebody besides the police find the guy on the bicycle so he can tell what really happened. If the police find him, they will shut him up by threat or by death. My guess is, they already found him and he has been quieted. How come there is always a dashcam video when it benefits them and not a video when it doesn't.