Maybe President Obama popped some smoke to conceal these two things.
I have lost count how many administration folks have told Congress and the American people that they were not using phone and mass media to eaves drop on them.
The Obama administration secretly got the okay from a surveillance court in 2011 to reverse restrictions on how the NSA uses intercepted phone calls and e-mails, which allowed the agency to search deliberately for U.S. citizens? communications, according to interviews with government officials and recently declassified material., If the Fed stops printing money inflation will happen. It will be worse in the EU and China though. Keep in mind from Economics 101 two things.
1) A surplus of something drives down the price, e.g. house prices, and
2) Deflation is superseded by inflation.
International Money Fund managing director Christine Lagarde over the weekend warned that attempts by the U.S. Federal Reserve to wind down its $85 billion-a-month bond purchasing program could negatively affect emerging markets.
?Very negative spill-over effects on the emerging market economies could very much backfire on other economies. So to assume that [the] domestic economy is totally isolated, that a country is an island, would not be the right approach,? Lagarde told CNBC in an interview. some thoughts as I sip my second cup of coffee this rainy morning.

Now back to splitting wood.